Real-time news report
Small cells are low-controlled base stations that are used to enhance network capacity and network coverage,
New technologies such as mobile internet, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things have changed traditional industry development models
The American Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) stated in its latest report that in 2021
At the China International Information and Communication Exhibition 5G news high-level forum, the operator officially announced that 5G news may be commercialized nationwide in mid-to-late October.
The increase in 5G users is inseparable from the support of 5G commercial networks.
Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,
In order for 5G network slicing to effectively change the current model, please consider the following four key principles for successful implementation.
Zigbee can transmit data wirelessly within a distance of about 75 to 100 meters indoors or about 300 meters in the open air, which means it can easily provide strong and stable coverage in the home.
The rapid launch of 5G services has brought the needs, low latency and security provided by various IoT applications.
Safety and efficiency are not only the distinctive features of the digital age, but also an important foundation for digital construction.