Is 5G really green, or will it consume more resources?

The technology industry has long tried to align itself with the green movement, though its leaders are often accused of throwing out vague slogans and making promises that are hard to test. Some slogans certainly emerged at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. But Huawei, Orange and industry group GSMA tried to flesh out some of the green claims about 5G. Next-generation mobile networks are being rolled out around the world, promising ultra-high-speed Internet while also claiming huge benefits for the environment. Laurence Williams of the University of Sussex in the UK recently led a study that assessed the available evidence on the supposed green benefits of 5G. He told AFP how the industry's claims stacked up. Will 5G be more energy efficient? Orange's Jean-Marie Chaufray praised energy-saving features such as "sleep mode" (where components are turned off when not in use), more energy-efficient antennas and other hardware. He told MWC that by 2025, 5G will be 10 times more efficient than 4G. Laurence Williams: "Energy efficiency is only half of the equation, and the total amount of data traffic transmitted over mobile networks is obviously important too. "Mobile data traffic will continue to grow significantly in the coming years. There is a growing recognition that 5G will be responsible, at least in part, for the growth in data traffic." "The industry has given different estimates - some think network energy consumption will go down, others think it can stay flat, and at least one estimate suggests that network energy consumption will go up due to 5G." A recent study in Finland estimated that electricity use on major mobile networks was roughly 10 percent higher in 2017 than it was in 2010. The authors attribute this to the rapid growth in data usage and new features, particularly video streaming. "While this study covers the period before 5G begins to roll out globally, it suggests that improvements in network energy efficiency do not guarantee a reduction in network energy consumption." Will 5G help achieve the zero carbon goal? The GSMA's Emanuel Kolta boasts that telcos are "among the leading private sector companies" for committing to net zero targets. He pointed out ways to achieve these goals by absorbing renewable energy, more efficient batteries and "low-hanging fruit," such as using artificial intelligence to shut down components during off-peak periods. Laurence Williams: "It's encouraging that telcos are increasingly signing up to climate targets and committing to using renewable energy to power their networks. While some operators are already using 100 percent renewable energy to power their networks, a 2021 benchmark study by the GSMA shows that across 31 networks in 28 different countries, an average of 46 percent of energy consumption is provided by renewable energy, with significant variation between countries. "The operational energy needed to power mobile networks is important, but so is the 'embodied energy' needed to produce network infrastructure. "Many studies that focus on the impact of 5G energy use only look at operational energy. "At the very least, we should be skeptical of the claimed energy savings potential of strategies that call for the large-scale introduction of new infrastructure, which are evaluated without taking into account the embodied energy costs of the infrastructure." Does 5G bring broader energy savings? Huawei's Duan Hao emphasized the importance of the so-called enabling effect, which he said will "accelerate cross-industry digitization and decarbonization." The idea is that better connectivity will allow more services and activities to move online, thereby reducing energy consumption in transportation and other industries. Some industry estimates suggest a 10:1 ratio of energy savings - for every unit of energy invested in 5G, 10 times more energy will be saved. Laurence Williams (Laurence Williams): "A study by the University of Zurich shows that the ratio is close to three to one, mainly from flexible working, smart grids and precision agriculture. "However, others warn that the efficiency gains from 5G may only lead to greater consumption of specific goods or services, or may only partially displace older goods or services - people may still attend meetings in person and buy physical music alongside conference calls and music streaming." "Even if 5G does have an enabling effect that exceeds its own emissions, it does not necessarily mean that network operators can be allowed to achieve lower levels of emissions reductions. "Enabling effects are difficult to estimate or measure, and clear accounting mechanisms and principles must be put in place to ensure consistency with carbon budgets and climate policies." Translated with (free version)