How 5G will help smart watches and other wearable devices automatically charge

In Japan, a pilot project to wirelessly charge wearable devices via 5G networks is about to start. Their idea is that a very small charge will automatically charge nearby Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as smart watches or connected headsets. However, legal issues mean that you are unlikely to take advantage of this technology in a short period of time. According to Nikkei Asia (Nikkei Asia), Japan's telecommunications group SoftBank (SoftBank) is preparing to test a technology that will allow smart watches or wearable devices such as connected headphones to be charged on the street without user intervention. The necessary technology will be implemented directly in the 5G stations deployed by SoftBank. However, to start this real-world experiment, the approval of the authorities is still needed. This trial is being conducted while SoftBank continues to replace all 4G antennas with 5G base stations-this is a long-term operation. The experiment involves emitting a very slight charge of about 1mW in the 28GHz high-frequency band used for 5G communications, which is enough to charge nearby devices. Softbank said that this energy has a range of about 10 meters and is completely harmless to health. Over time, its range can even be expanded to 100 meters. If the test is successful and the government approves the process, then SoftBank plans to commercialize its technology as early as 2025. Outside Japan, such initiatives will also depend on the approval of the authorities. And this is far from a foregone conclusion! Whether in Japan or elsewhere, the idea of one day being able to charge connected devices through the surrounding 5G network without any additional infrastructure has been popular for some time. Earlier this year, American researchers studied the possibility of transforming part of the 5G network into a power network that can charge nearby small IoT objects. They have developed miniature antennas that blend perfectly with the background, which can capture millimeter waves, convert them into energy, and send them to nearby objects. In each case, the idea is to use 5G networks to power various IoT devices without any restrictions on users. Therefore, as long as it is close to the 5G network, networked devices can continue to charge. This solution also promises to save energy without compromising the quality of the 5G network.