Three major operators make concerted efforts: embrace 5G positioning, accelerate capacity improvement, and create an industrial ecosystem together


New technologies such as mobile internet, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things have changed traditional industry development models, spawned many new business formats, and injected surging momentum into the high-quality development of China's economy. High-precision positioning technology based on 5G is expected to become the next hot spot for growth. Through "one network", it can meet the two key demands of various industries for communication and positioning at the same time.

Telecom operators are not only the builders and operators of network infrastructure, but also the forerunners of digital transformation, driving the in-depth development of the 5G industry chain and showing significant demonstration effects. On September 28, during the "2021 China International Information and Communication Exhibition", the "5G Positioning Industry Forum" hosted by the 5G Application Industry phalanx with the theme of "Firming 5G Innovation and Creating Wisdom Together" "On the conference, experts from China Telecom, China Mobile, and China Unicom shared the practice and thinking of telecom operators on "5G positioning" for the guests.

China Telecom: Realizing 5G positioning and diversified digital technology cloud network integration, empowering the digital transformation of thousands of industries

Ma Guozu, a senior expert of China Telecom and deputy general manager of China Telecom Wanwei Information Technology Co., Ltd., said that the state proposed that "space-time information and positioning and navigation services have become an important new infrastructure." In recent years, positioning application requirements are gradually developing from outdoor to indoor. Fast, real-time and accurate indoor positioning can combine real-world physical objects with virtual space data information, greatly changing the operation mode of retail, manufacturing, logistics, first aid and other industries. The seamless connection of indoor and outdoor positioning will truly realize everything interconnected.

China Telecom is deeply tapping the application potential of the integration of 5G positioning and large communication bandwidth into one network. For example: indoor positioning adopts 5GUTDOA positioning, which does not require terminals, and increases positioning capabilities in the construction of 5G indoor sub-systems to achieve meter-level positioning accuracy and meet indoor low positioning accuracy requirements. By adding vSLAM positioning technology, further achieve centimeter-level high Precision positioning.

"China Telecom will inject 5G indoor positioning technology into the'Tianyi Cloud Atlas' platform to realize the cloud-network integration of 5G positioning + AI+XR multiple digital technologies, and take the lead in the field of information consumption." Ma Guozu said that this move will accelerate the development of 5G positioning End-to-end networking capabilities, overcome key technical problems, and build an ecological symbiosis platform for the vigorous development of the 5G positioning industry, so that the 5G positioning atomic capability can better empower information consumption, industrial production, social governance and people's livelihood services.


China Mobile: Focus on technological innovation and accelerate the maturity of 5G positioning capabilities

Guo Weijiang, director of the network location team of China Mobile (Shanghai) Industry Research Institute, pointed out that positioning capability has become one of the important requirements for the transformation and development of digital intelligence in vertical industries. China Mobile has incorporated "location" into the capacity building of China Mobile's smart mid-stations, and is actively deploying 5G+ indoor and outdoor positioning technology innovation system.

In terms of outdoor positioning, China Mobile combined the Beidou navigation system and ground differential reference station to build an outdoor Beidou differential high-precision positioning network covering the whole country, with accuracy up to dynamic centimeter level and static millimeter level; in indoor positioning, China Mobile plays its own role Network advantages, standards and industry influence, comprehensive layout of indoor positioning field, with 5G network construction as the traction, combined with 5G and other pan-wireless technologies, to create 5G+ indoor and outdoor high-precision positioning services.

At present, China Mobile has built an "indoor 5G+ multi-integrated high-precision positioning platform". Based on 5G+ pan-wireless positioning technology, it has the ability to provide multi-positioning technology and multi-positioning accuracy location services, which can provide industry customers with centimeter, submeter, and meter accuracy. Location service. In addition, China Mobile closely follows the evolution of 5G positioning technology, and cooperates with partners such as Huawei to successively release the "5G Positioning Capability Opening Industry White Paper" and the "China Mobile 5G High-precision Positioning Capability White Paper". Pilot verification.

Guo Weijiang said that high-precision location services have a lot of room for development in vertical industries, and China Mobile regards location services as an important capability in the toB market. With the evolution and improvement of the 3GPP standard, 5G-based positioning technology will gradually achieve sub-meter high-precision positioning. China Mobile will focus on the evolution of 5G technical standards and the construction of positioning capabilities to promote the maturity of 5G positioning technology.


China Unicom: Actively build an indoor and outdoor high-precision positioning product system around 5G and Beidou

5G and Beidou are major projects and key goals proposed in the national "14th Five-Year Plan", and are also an important part of the national strategy for the integration of space and earth. The IoT revolution brought by 5G will promote the ubiquity of Beidou's time-to-space information applications. The application of 5G high-precision positioning will further empower the digital transformation and high-quality development of thousands of industries.

It is understood that China Unicom attaches great importance to the integration and innovation of 5G + Beidou high-precision positioning. As the only vice president unit of the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association (Zhongwei Association) among operators, it has long been responsible for the work of the Beidou IoT Special Committee of the Zhongwei Association. , And is promoting the establishment of a Beidou + 5G special committee to accelerate 5G + Beidou technology innovation, product research and development, and complete the construction of lighthouse projects in the fields of smart cities, industrial Internet, and smart ports.

Yang Shan, Director of the Space-Time Service Center of China Unicom’s Smart City Research Institute, said, “China Unicom has taken positioning as an important basic capability, and has actively built an indoor and outdoor high-precision positioning product system around 5G and Beidou. We have been in 3C manufacturing, automobile manufacturing and other industries. Commercial testing of 5G indoor positioning has been carried out. In the future, we hope to work with industry chain partners to improve the capabilities of platforms, networks and terminals to provide the best positioning network and services for industry needs."