5G Slicing: Four Key Principles for Successful Implementation


In order for 5G network slicing to effectively change the current model, please consider the following four key principles for successful implementation.


Network slicing has been touted as a key capability for 5G monetization. In fact, Gartner predicts that 5G network slicing will become a key differentiation function in the next one to three years. However, considering the scope and scale of control required for network slicing, true end-to-end 5G network slicing will be a challenging move for most service providers.


In order for network slicing to evolve from a relatively simple proof-of-concept demonstration to a production-scale implementation, service providers not only need to develop their tools, but also their operational processes.


In the current typical service provider environment, activities in various fields are loosely connected. We usually see that the RAN (Radio Access Network) team operates independently from the mobility core team, while the latter operates independently from the transmission network team. This applies to planning activities, network creation and operation. Of course, for service providers, a certain degree of cross-team coordination is necessary, that is, when necessary, capacity planners and architects will look for cross-domains to ensure that sufficient capabilities and capacity are designed into the network.


In order for 5G network slicing to effectively change the current model, please consider the following four key principles for successful implementation:


·         There are more than five fields (CSMF, NSMF, RAN, 5GC, TN).

·         A customized framework is essential

·         Exposure will be a key enabler and differentiator

·         Operation will be more difficult than creation


More than five areas of network slicing management-understand all five areas

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) defines five key functions/domains in the 5G network fragmentation management model:


Communication Service Management Function (CSMF)-Transform service requests into network fragment requirements

Network Slice Management Function (NSMF)-Coordinate the creation and management of network slices for each subnet (domain)

Three types of network slicing subnet management functions (NSSMF)-RAN, 5G core network, and transport network all manage their own slicing components.


Each of these functions has highly specialized requirements. For example, NSMF must be able to integrate across domains to ensure the correct creation and management of a potentially large number of sharded instances, while NSSMF must be designed to interact with specific types of network functions suitable for its domain. RAN NSSMF will be optimized to talk to RAN network elements, while 5G core NSSMF will have a completely different set of interfaces, configurations and services, which must be managed.


Transmission network (TN) NSSMF will have a unique set of challenges, because in fact there are multiple network areas that will fall into the category of TN-backhaul/xhaul components, as well as data center networks, optical networks and cloud networks are all considered to be TN NSSMF Scope. According to my experience, it is useful to regard TN NSSMF as a multi-domain environment. This environment may require multiple platforms and tools, which can be integrated between different transmission network technologies to effectively and efficiently perform sharding, Management activities.


A customized framework is essential to solve a unique environment

Although at an abstract level, the environment of each mobile operator looks the same. There is a RAN, they have transmission networks, and they have 5G core network functions. But the reality is that every environment is unique. No two mobile suppliers have the same set of suppliers, operating support systems (OSS)/IT service management (ITSM) systems, and operating models. For example, some mobility providers also own transmission circuits and fibers to their areas and base stations, while other providers lease connection services from cable providers. In addition, some mobility vendors have begun to work with hyperscale vendors to provide or enhance their edge strategies. All these differences will mean that each mobility provider will need to consider which aspects of their infrastructure they can directly control, and which aspects they need to rely on third parties to provide. In the case of a third-party provider, the mobility provider needs to coordinate with these aspects and agree on the level of engagement and participation that can be promised in order to implement network fragmentation management. Therefore, although each service provider may conform to the 3GPP network slice management framework, each implementation of the framework looks different. This will make customization a necessary activity.

Exposure will be a key differentiating factor and driving factor, but there are also risks

The definition of the 5G network slicing framework includes stipulating that service providers have the ability to selectively disclose part of their network slicing management infrastructure. This will enable service providers to stand out from the competition, provide their customers with highly granular control, and enable them to consume and create customized network fragments. However, this also requires service providers to control how and when their customers request changes and what changes are allowed at any given time to ensure performance and compliance with service level thresholds.


If improperly implemented, this opportunity is very risky. Service providers will need to carefully consider the level and types of controls they expose to customers, while ensuring that they use effective monitoring and assurance frameworks to mitigate risks.


Operation will be more difficult than creation, so plan accordingly

The early proof of concept of 5G network slicing showed that there are technical components that perform end-to-end network slicing. However, when the operations team is responsible for managing the collection of network slicing instances of the entire mobile network, the real challenge will come. Processes like change management will need to be developed to include consideration of the impact of dynamically created slice instances. These processes are new to most operations teams and require training and tools, which do not currently exist in most carrier environments. We predict that the difficult task is not to create shards, but to develop the daily activities of the operations team to ensure that network shards are healthy and will be managed. This will require a higher level of coordination between the RAN, 5G core and the transmission team, which is currently present in most mobile operators.


Although these four principles bring unique challenges, 5G network slicing has huge opportunities to open up additional business streams for mobile operators. The successful operators will be those who understand the technology and can effectively transform their tools, personnel, and processes to achieve technological advantages while managing risks.