6G is coming? Is it too early to start 6G research?


Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that 6G for commercial use in 2030 is still in the stage of vision demand research and concept formation, and 6G technology directions and solutions are still being explored.


With the landing of 5G, the evolution of mobile communication technology has shifted to 6G. In theory, compared with 5G, the transmission speed of 6G network is 100 times faster, and the network delay can also be reduced from milliseconds to microseconds. The emergence of 5G has broken the boundaries of human-to-human communication, and what impact will the arrival of 6G have on human work and life?


On September 16, the 2021 6G Seminar-6G Vision Outlook was held in Beijing. Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that 6G for commercial use in 2030 is still in the stage of vision demand research and concept formation. The plan is still being explored.

What is 6G?

At present, the global research on 6G is in its infancy. What is 6G and what it can be used for, the industry has not yet reached a consensus.


However, according to the definition of 6G in the “6G Overall Vision and Potential Key Technology White Paper” issued by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology  IMT-2030(6G) Promotion Group, 6G will realize the ability to further expand from serving people, people and things to supporting the high efficiency of intelligent bodies. Connect, realize the efficient and intelligent interconnection of people and people, people and things, things and things in the physical world, and create a ubiquitous, sophisticated, real-time, credible, and organically integrated digital world.


The white paper believes that 6G networks will be based on terrestrial cellular networks, and various non-ground communications such as high-orbit satellite networks, low- and medium-orbit satellite networks, aerial platforms, drones, and other non-terrestrial communications will realize an integrated three-dimensional network of space, space and ground, and provide users with no blind spots. Broadband mobile communication services; 6G services will present development trends such as immersion, intelligence, and globalization, forming immersive cloud XR, holographic communication, sensory interconnection, smart interaction, communication perception, inclusive intelligence, digital twins, and global coverage. Eight major business applications, including business, can better support the needs of high-quality economic development, further achieve precise social governance, efficient public services, and diversify people's lives, and continue to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

These domestic companies have already deployed

In fact, shortly after the release of the 5G commercial license, my country officially launched the sixth-generation mobile communication (6G) technology research and development in November 2019, and established a national 6G technology research and development promotion working group and an overall expert group. In the same year, the three major operators also began to study 6G. For example, China Mobile and Tsinghua University have established a strategic partnership. The two parties will carry out scientific research cooperation in key areas such as the future mobile communication network for 6G, and jointly establish a joint research institute; China Unicom will develop The research on 6G terahertz communication technology; China Telecom’s research direction is based on millimeter wave as the main frequency and terahertz as the sub-frequency 6G technology.


In addition to operators, domestic related companies have also joined the ranks of 6G deployment. Huawei began research and investment in 6G technology as early as 2017, and established 6G R&D centers in many regions around the world. According to Wisdom Bud data, Huawei and its affiliates have more than 2,100 published patent applications directly related to "6G" in 126 countries/regions, of which invention patents account for 99.81%.


ZTE established a 6G research team in 2018 to systematically study 6G network architecture, new spectrum, new air interface, and the combination of artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies, and pay attention to 6G-related cutting-edge basic materials and devices.


In 2019, vivo started 6G research work, and has fully communicated with the industry, including operators, standardization organizations, industry chain partners, and friends, and has also cooperated with many universities at home and abroad.


In October 2019, at the IEEE International Communication Conference, OPPO Chief 5G Scientist Tang Hai stated that OPPO has started 6G research and development. In July 2021, OPPO officially released the company's first 6G white paper "6G Network Architecture Empowered by AI Cube", which proposed a more detailed solution for the design of next-generation communication network architecture. In addition, OPPO has set up a pre-research team for 6G to conduct early research on 6G business and technical requirements, key technologies, and system features.


It is worth mentioning that, according to the market research institution Cyber Creative Institute, it investigated about 20,000 patent applications for 9 6G core technologies, including communications, quantum technology, base stations and artificial intelligence. The results show that China is far ahead in the number of global 6G patent applications, accounting for 40.3%, ranking first.


Is it too early to explore 6G?

5G network has not yet become popular, 6G technology has been developed, is it too early?


Generally speaking, mobile communication technology is updated every 10 years. At present, the commercialization of 5G is in its infancy, and it is time to start 6G research. In addition to China, Finland, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries are also intensively carrying out 6G related work.


In 2018, Nokia, the University of Oulu, and the Finnish National Center for Technology Research (VTT) jointly launched the "6Genesis, Supporting 6G Wireless Intelligent Society and Ecosystem" project, which will invest more than 250 million euros in the next 8 years. In September 2019, the University of Oulu's 6G Flagship Research Program released the world's first 6G white paper "Key Drivers and Research Challenges of 6G Ubiquitous Wireless Intelligence".


In January 2019, LG cooperated with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology KAIST to co-found the 6G Research Center to "lead a new generation of mobile electronic communication technology"; in June 2021, South Korea announced a "6G R&D Implementation Plan" , Will invest 220 billion won in the next 5 years to develop 6G core technology.

In September 2020, Russia's Skolkovo Technology Research Institute (Skolkovo Tech) stated that the institute has developed a device that can be used to manufacture 6G communication system components. The device allows the simulation of optical radiation with a wavelength of 1.5 microns and an electrical signal with a frequency of 10 GHz.


In September 2020, foreign media reported that the United States intends to increase investment in higher-end 6G wireless communications. The US Department of Defense also officially announced that it will fund a cooperative project team composed of more than 30 American universities to conduct all-round research on terahertz technology.


In December 2020, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan and the Japan Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) jointly opened the "Beyond 5G New Business Strategy Center", aiming to start and carry out 6G (sixth generation mobile communications) related research work as soon as possible.


Written at the end:

With the development of science and technology and the progress of human society, mobile communication technology is also advancing with the times and constantly changing. From the 1G to the 4G era, the mobile communication and connection between people are realized; in the 5G era, the communication connection between people is extended to the Internet of Everything. In the future, what will happen in the 6G era? Let us wait and see.