IDC: The edge management service market is expected to explode


The key to deployment is the introduction of 5G, which will enable faster and more consistent services. Edge services may become a catalyst for Industry 4.0, and the market is following closely behind.

As companies seek higher process efficiency and low latency, the demand for managed edge services will only grow. According to a recent IDC report, by 2025, global market revenue may reach US$2.8 billion.

With this potential, more service providers hope to use it as part of the next revenue-generating opportunity. Organizations have great incentives to improve operational efficiency, and the edge provides a way to achieve this goal.


For major innovations in the R&D field, this is a huge potential market, so attention must be paid to new opportunities. Business organizations need it and will look for effective solutions. Suppliers will have the opportunity to advance new solutions without sacrificing security to achieve fast and effective processing.


The key to deployment is the introduction of 5G, which will enable faster and more consistent services. Edge services may become a catalyst for Industry 4.0, and the market is following closely behind.


Key deployment model

IDC has identified three general deployment possibilities for managed services.


  • Internal deployment: Some industries need edge computing services deployed from within the organization. Key industries include healthcare and AR/VR applications that require ultra-low latency.
  • Service provider edge deployment: Managed edge services deployed at the provider edge have mobile and fixed options. IDC expects this to expand to many vertical industries.
  • CND edge deployment: Managed edge services deployed in CND POPS or edge locations provide a rich customer experience through personalization.

IDC predicts that the local area, as the fastest growing part of the three components, has the most profitable potential. As providers hope to break into this market, many of them will inevitably provide products that fill the gaps in the on-premises arena.

The huge potential of managed edge services is about to emerge

IDC predicts that there will be 443.5 million US dollars in 2021 alone, which may reach billions of US dollars. This is the first time IDC has released a report on this emerging service, and the organization hopes that everyone will pay attention to it in the next few years. The potential for innovation in this field is huge and deserves attention.