What are the opportunities for ordinary people in 5G?


2019 is the first year of 5G. On June 6, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 10 5G licenses, and on the 31st, the three major operators officially opened 5G. By the end of 2020, the number of 5G network users will be 160 million, and 89% of the world's total 5G users will tell a story. Why should we expand the development of 5G and what opportunities do ordinary people expand?

At the end of 2020, the number of 5G networks will exceed 1.6, 89% of the total number of 5G users in the world, which can increase the number of users.

Why should my country vigorously develop 5G?

The U.S. Internet leads the world and is inseparable from the "Information Superhighway" plan in the 1990s. In 1992, the United States spent 400 billion U.S. dollars to build a national information infrastructure. What is the concept of investing 400 billion U.S. dollars 29 years ago? The U.S. GDP was 6.5 trillion U.S. dollars that year, and 400 billion was spent on the Internet of Things. But it has led to the rapid development of the Internet and the information economy in the United States.


According to statistics, the U.S.'s gross national product is increased by US$321 billion annually due to the completion of the information superhighway; the realization of home office, etc., reduces the workload of railways, roads and shipping by 40%; and labor productivity has increased by 20% to 40%. In addition, a large number of Internet giants have been born, which has promoted breakthroughs in related fields such as chips, computers, and communications.


Looking back at the value of this $400 billion investment? Although it did not immediately bring huge returns to the United States, in the long run, its returns are absolutely worthwhile. We say that 5G is another revolution in mobile informatization, that is, the interconnection of everything, which will create unlimited possibilities and inspire the whole society to innovate and revolutionize again.


Therefore, don't be fooled by the current "return on investment" calculated from the operator's perspective. The Chinese government sees the trend and strives to promote it. If it resists the negative, it will be left behind by the times.


What opportunities does 5G bring to ordinary people?

First, e-commerce product display. Due to the large flow of 5G, e-commerce product display no longer stays in the form of pictures and short videos, and may move to 3D projection. It projects the products that need to be displayed in the air. Just like the photography companies and short video companies that now serve e-commerce companies, new display companies will soon come out to provide services.


Second, short videos and live broadcasts. The 5G ultra-large bandwidth and ultra-high transmission rate make it easy to watch high-definition videos above 8K online. At that time, the self-media industry will explode, and the duration of online broadcasting will be more, and people will watch longer. The media network will deprive people of time on traditional TV shows. Although there are a lot of people in China's self-media industry, they are far from meeting future needs. The self-media industry will bring opportunities to more people.

Third, smart home. Smart homes are now stuck in fingerprint locks, voice locks, and voice-on-songs. With 5G, smart homes will truly realize some automated functions. For example, as soon as the owner enters the door, the home will automatically open according to the data predetermined by the owner. Curtains, adjust indoor temperature, humidity, turn on lights, prepare hot water, electronic pets automatically come over to act like a baby, and so on. At present, manufacturers and sellers of smart homes are preparing to upgrade.


We are about to enter a critical point of technological explosion. Please recognize the changes in the 5G era and seize this opportunity.