Get rid of education anxiety and chronic illness, 5G reveals three aspects of value


Smart education refers to informatization, digitization, and intelligent education, and its development cannot be separated from the strong support of various cutting-edge technologies and smart devices. The role of 5G in promoting smart education is obvious.

Education is a national plan, and it is very important to promote education to keep up with the development of the times. At present, with the rapid progress of society, our country has ushered in the information age, but education is still at the stage of industrialization. In terms of educational philosophy, the cultivation of large-scale, standardized, and homogeneous “talents” occupies the mainstream; in terms of educational systems and models, the factory-style school system is still popular, which makes education involute and anxiety more serious, and various educational problems Also increasingly prominent.

In this context, it is imperative to promote educational transformation and upgrading in order to get rid of educational anxiety and chronic diseases. Only when education enters the information stage from the industrial stage and meets the development needs of the new era can it usher in a broader future. And wisdom education is undoubtedly an important trend and direction of current education development. The so-called smart education refers to informatization, digitization, and intelligent education. Its development cannot be separated from the strong support of various cutting-edge technologies and smart devices.


Among them, the role of 5G in promoting smart education is undoubtedly important. As a new generation of communication technology and emerging cutting-edge intelligent technology, 5G has the characteristics of large capacity, low latency, and high speed, which can promote the balanced distribution of educational resources and solve the problem of educational unfairness; it can increase educational methods, improve teaching quality, and upgrade Education model; and perfect education safety guarantee, build a good, harmonious and healthy education environment, with diversified value.


Specifically, 5G can play a miraculous effect in solving the problem of uneven education resources through its efforts in distance education. As we all know, with the acceleration of urbanization in recent years and the uneven regional development, the education gap between urban and rural areas and the central and western regions has become more obvious, and the uneven distribution of educational resources has also become more apparent. The emergence and application of 5G provide ideas and methods for solving this problem and breaking the predicament.


With its own technical characteristics, 5G has greatly upgraded the functions of distance education and replaced the old with a new look, becoming an effective means to solve the problem of uneven distribution of educational resources. The combination of it with distance education can release more high-quality teacher resources in large and medium-sized cities, making these resources tilt to other cities or rural areas; at the same time, it can also break the shackles imposed by the objective environment on education and learning, allowing students to Gain knowledge and skills in more ways.


Of course, 5G can also strengthen education management and teaching upgrades by promoting education to the cloud. In addition to the problem of uneven resources, the current education in our country also hinders the advancement of the education industry, such as lack of innovation in teaching methods, low quality of education, and high pressure on teaching management. For this reason, in recent years, the country has specifically put forward the concept of smart education, advocating the use of advanced technologies and equipment such as artificial intelligence, robots, and VR to promote the upgrading of education intelligence.


For wisdom education, it is mainly reflected in two aspects: teaching and management. In terms of teaching, 5G can further amplify the teaching functions and effects of equipment through the blessing of new teaching aids such as robots, and release the value of teaching by accelerating the integration of technology. At the same time, in terms of management, 5G can also transform management from traditional human methods to digital, information, and modern methods, and upgrade school management through the combined effects of 5G, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things.



In addition, 5G can also promote the deepening of education security through the integration and application of various intelligent technologies and equipment. An important component of education is campus education. As a form of public education, campus education is particularly critical for safety. In recent years, incidents of bullying and violence on campus have emerged one after another, threatening the lives and safety of teachers and students on campus. In this context, how to upgrade campus security and reduce campus hazards has received widespread attention from the industry.


The integration of 5G just brings a new boost to campus security. Whether it is to load 5G on robots, drones, etc. for more efficient, comprehensive, and lasting security patrols, or load it on surveillance, access control and other equipment to achieve more accurate and convenient campus management, it can be used for campus security. Upgrade contribution. At the same time, with the 5G blessing, the campus can further enhance its emergency response to security hazards and crises.


All in all, 5G can not only be combined with various smart technologies in smart education to enhance the role and value of the technology itself; it can also participate in many teaching and campus management links, bringing all-round promotion to education upgrades. 5G is a catalyst for existing education, and its application has important value in the mature development of smart education. In the future, with the continuous acceleration of 5G network construction, the prospects for the integration of 5G and education are promising.