Is 4G enough? More than 40% of users turn off 5G functions in new smartphones


Yesterday, Huawei released the new mobile phone P50, but there is no legendary 5G version, only the 4G version of Qualcomm and Kirin. In Yu Chengdong's words, the 5G chip is used as the 4G chip. In fact, we all know the real reason, because Huawei is unable to produce and purchase 5G radio frequency chips, the production of 4G mobile phones may be forced to be helpless, or simply want to retain the mobile phone business.

There is no denying that the number of 5G mobile phones and base stations is indeed increasing, but the popularity of 5G is not as magical and popular as stated in the publicity. In my current second-tier top cities, although the propaganda claims that 5G has spread to towns and streets, in reality, 5G is only available in central urban areas, and other areas can only say there are. Therefore, 5G does not imagine a large-scale downward popularization, and it is also not as popular as people expected. After all, the cost is one aspect. In addition, nowadays Wi-Fi is popular. In home Wi-Fi and office Wi-Fi, even if you are away from home, many people say that the speed of 4G is enough, so 5G can only be said to be the difference between ideal and reality.

Although many new mobile phones now have 5G functions, according to a foreign survey, although 50% of users say they will not turn off 5G functions, there are also more than 40% of users who get the first step after getting a new mobile phone. That is, turn off the 5G function first, and 10% of them indicate that the 5G function will be turned off when the battery is low or the signal is bad.

The survey agency did not understand why so many people turned off the 5G function directly. For this reason, they also started a dialogue with the respondents who turned off 5G. According to the feedback results, they did not fail to see the real benefits of 5G, nor did they see their area. The communication quality of the next generation, and 5G has many shortcomings.

Poor signal is one of the main factors. Obviously, 5G does not satisfy users in some areas, such as driving on highways and office buildings. 4G speeds are better. The same serious heat and power consumption are also the main factors for people to turn off the 5G function. Nowadays, smart phones are becoming more and more advanced and more and more functions. However, the battery has not been greatly improved. The electric speed is much faster than when only 4G is turned on.

Another factor is that although 5G claims and tests say that upload and download speeds are several times faster than 4G, users have not felt a qualitative change during the real use process. The real situation is that 4G and 5G are at the same time. Under the circumstances, there is no essential difference in watching the video. In some cases, the loading speed of 4G may be faster than that of 5G.

There is also because of the popularity of 5G, some mobile phones with 5G function, if you do not turn off the 5G function. The mobile phone will automatically try to connect to 5G. In the case of unstable signal, it will seriously affect the reception of the mobile phone signal. For some people, some important calls will be missed at some time, so they have to turn off the 5G function.

For those users who have not turned off 5G, the survey shows that some people do not know that their phones have 5G functions, nor do they know how to disable this very energy-consuming function. So it is not ruled out whether these people really need 5G functions.

Of course, this survey is not an authoritative survey, and there is no serious judgment standard. It is only launched for ordinary users, that is, users can participate and express their opinions at will.