Color light shines! The results of the application case collection activity of "Technical


Color light shines! The results of the application case collection activity of "Technical Specifications for the Construction of Ethernet All-Optical Networks in Smart Parks" are announced 2024-05-31 14:20:46 network Entreprise's news This activity aims to promote and apply the regulations and further promote the digitalization, intelligence and green construction of smart parks. Many excellent projects stood out in the solicitation activities, demonstrating the remarkable results of the regulations in practical applications. The evaluation experts highly praised the innovation, scalability and practical benefits of each participating project. Recently, the Green Construction and Intelligent Building Branch of the China Construction Industry Association officially announced the results of the application case collection activity of the "Technical Specifications for the Construction of Ethernet All-Optical Networks in Smart Parks". This activity aims to promote and apply the specifications and further promote the digitalization, intelligence and green construction of smart parks. Many excellent projects stood out in the collection activities, demonstrating the remarkable results of the specifications in practical applications. The evaluation experts highly praised the innovation, scalability and practical benefits of each participating project. Since the official implementation of the "Technical Specifications for the Construction of Ethernet All-Optical Networks in Smart Parks" in May 2022, the Green Construction and Intelligent Building Branch of the China Construction Industry Association has carried out offline case collection activities in Beijing, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Zhejiang and other places to promote the widespread application and practice of the specifications in the construction of smart parks in multiple industries. Among them, famous colleges and universities such as Xiamen University Law School, Southwest University, Xihua University, and Beijing University of Chemical Technology were selected as first-class cases, and Fuzhou PuPu E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Guangzhou No. 6 Middle School, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Xixian New District Tieyi Middle School Jinwan Middle School and other units were selected as second-class cases. With its high efficiency, stability and green characteristics, the Ethernet all-optical network has become an important means to help the digital transformation and upgrading of parks. Among the cases recommended in this event, projects using color optical deployment accounted for more than 50%, which fully demonstrated the technical advantages of Ethernet color optical in campus networks. Ruijie's simplified Ethernet color optical network solution is a continuous innovation based on Ethernet full optical, continuously creating faster, simpler, and more secure network connection solutions, and continuously updating a series of new products with innovative and scenario-based adaptability. The simplified Ethernet color optical network solution supports three architectures: optical modification, optical hybrid, and color optical. It has the advantages of easy network expansion, long-distance deployment, and true 10G indoor access, and is suitable for network deployment scenarios in different industries. In the education scenario , in order to achieve the inheritance of high-quality educational resources, educational balance and after-class teaching reflection, real-time classroom recording has become the norm in many schools. Taking the recording requirements of a 45-minute class with a data format of 1080P as an example, the file size is about 390G. The combination of Ethernet color light and wireless Wi-Fi 7 supports 2.5G/10G indoor access, and the terminal matches multi-scenario AP to provide strong performance support for high-bandwidth services. In medical scenarios , instant reading of high-definition images is very important in imaging departments. For example, in heavy ion clinical diagnosis and treatment, more than 70% of the data comes from images, and the number of images for a CT or MR examination can reach 500 to 2,000. The file size of high-definition medical images/3D images is as high as several GB. The limitations of traditional network performance have seriously affected the efficiency of medical business. However, through Ethernet color light deployment and 1:1 bandwidth access, the time from loading to opening a 1G image has been reduced from 5 minutes to 5 seconds, achieving a speed increase of nearly 60 times. In the enterprise scenario , enterprise workshops usually have flexible production needs. The Ethernet optical network solution has made a grid deployment in the network and equipment, providing data and power supply over long distances through optical and electrical hybrid cables. Adjusting and replacing lines only requires jumping the wires at the end, and new services do not need to deploy a separate high-voltage/UPS system, reducing TCO by 20%. Excerpts from excellent application cases of "Technical Specifications for the Construction of Ethernet All-Optical Networks in Smart Parks" Through the construction and exploration of color optical networks, Xihua University's teaching and research data have been fully put on the "integration highway", truly realizing "letting data run more and teachers and students run less", promoting "improving the quality and efficiency of services", and laying a solid foundation for smart teaching, smart research, smart management, smart operations, and smart services. Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University relies on 5G+Ethernet color light technology, and the new multi-network integrated education infrastructure provides strong support for the integration of network, data, business, management and services. In the future, the data center and big data analysis platform covering the entire school will provide more accurate decision-making references for teaching, scientific research, and discipline construction with the support of the integrated network. Wuwei Cancer Hospital in Gansu Province adopts color optical network deployment to ensure exclusive bandwidth and gigabit to the desktop, and builds a high-speed, stable and reliable network access within the hospital to ensure the hospital's high-concurrency and high-precision medical image transmission needs. Fuzhou University has transformed its campus network through the Ethernet all-optical network, with remarkable results: it has achieved an all-optical architecture and fiber optic access to the room, reducing the bearing pressure of the corridor bridge. After the fiber optic access to the room, it is very convenient to deploy information points, change their locations, and add them to the room; it has adopted SDN technology to gradually integrate multiple physical private networks, and integrate and connect the operator's 5G network to build a 5G campus private network and a unified digital campus basic network; it has achieved full coverage of wireless Wi-Fi 6 on campus, allowing users to access high-bandwidth anytime, anywhere, and learn, discuss, and communicate anytime, anywhere, thereby promoting the development of school teaching, information management, and services. The successful holding of the event not only provided valuable experience and reference for the construction of smart parks in the industry, but also further promoted the popularization and application of Ethernet all-optical network technology. In the future, Ethernet all-optical network will continue to play an important role in the construction of smart parks and promote the digital and intelligent transformation of more fields.