Real-time news report
Elite WIS Leads Cloud Managed Network Market Elite Networks WIS Cloud was awarded the "User Preferred Brand" in China IT User Satisfaction Survey 2021.
Many people say that the reason why there is no difference between the experience of 5G and 4G is because of the wrong technology tree, and the upgrade direction is placed on unimportant technical indicators.
The development and deployment of 6G is seen as a "trillion-dollar opportunity" for the mobile industry, and technology leadership is increasingly a political priority for many governments around the world.
The trip code will not know your whereabouts if you unplug your SIM card, turn it off, or use a non-smartphone.
Wi-Fi 6 is so "6", why don't you change your router?
Not long ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the latest report card of China's 5G construction.
Communication people are quietly persevering With Gu Ailing's third gold medal in the bag, the Winter Olympics made this winter extra "hot".
As more and more companies adopt cloud computing and service-based IT to drive innovation and transformation, everything-as-a-service will be key to digital transformation, especially for new solutions and business models.
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) held a conference on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Recent research suggests that multi-link aggregation, included in the general heading of multi-link operations, may help enable Wi-Fi 7 to meet the latency requirements of real time applications.