Ruijus Information AI team won the "Third China Artificial Intelligence Competition" cybersecurity A-class champion

the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration of Wireless Broadcasting and the Xiamen Municipal People's Government, the AI team from Ruijus Information won the A-level championship in the cybersecurity direction of the competition. Recently, in the "Third China Artificial Intelligence Competition" co-hosted by the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration of Wireless Broadcasting and the Xiamen Municipal People's Government, the AI team from Ruijus Information won the Class A championship in the cyber security direction of the competition. The core purpose of this year's China Artificial Intelligence Competition is to promote domestic AI technology innovation, accelerate AI-enabled cyberspace governance, build a platform for industry collaboration and talent training, and further build an AI benchmark city to promote the development of China's AI industry to a new level. The competition is focused on algorithm governance, deep forgery, and the development of the cyberspace. The competition is based on three major directions: algorithm governance, deep forgery detection and cyber security, and is open to the whole society for team recruitment, attracting more than 400 participants from 164 teams from AI enterprises, universities and research institutions at home and abroad. In the direction of network security, this year's competition takes "detecting whether file data is a Webshell file that can be used for network attacks" as the competition topic, and the team with the highest total and sub-score will receive an A-level award certificate issued by the competition officials. In recent years, Webshell is a widely used attack method by attackers because of its stealthy, script-based, flexible, convenient and powerful features. Improving Webshell detection and identification capabilities can effectively block many potential attacks and greatly enhance network security. Therefore, Webshell detection as the focus of enterprise security defense, has become an important function of enterprise Web security and host security and other systems, but also become a major symbol to test the ability of network security vendors. In this regard, the RuiDu information AI team used a fusion deep learning model based on deep neural network processing static features and dynamic timing features based on recurrent neural network processing script compilation, and combining the two types of models. In terms of data, the collection and collation of more effective data sets to increase the comprehensiveness of the training samples and improve the effectiveness of the model. In the end, RuiDu information with a total score of 0.980181049 (out of 1), firmly occupy the top of the list, won the network security direction A-class champion. From the third China Artificial Intelligence Competition website It is worth noting that this year's competition is the first time that RISD participated in the competition, the team members from the University of Beijing, University of Science and Technology of China, Southwest University and other top universities in China undergraduate and master's students, engaged in AI application research for many years, and long-term deep rooted in the exploration and development of the field of network security, has a wealth of experience and practical experience. The first success of RuiDu information shows its strong AI strength. As a company that has been deeply involved in network security for many years, Ruijus Information has shown great advantages in the field of artificial intelligence and network security, and has built a complete product technology system based on "AI + dynamic security", expanding the scope of security defense from the Web to mobile, cloud, API, IoT and other areas, and efficiently resist all kinds of The company has become a leader in the process of network security automation and intelligence. For the competition, RuiDu information AI team said that participation in the competition can not only exercise the team, test the AI model effect, verify the AI algorithm capabilities, increase RuiDu in the field of AI experience accumulation, but also to the competition to solve the demand for realistic scenarios, to promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and industry and cross-border applications, to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence technology and application innovation.