Why the Internet of Things Needs 5G Connectivity

The number of devices that are part of the Internet of Things is growing at an alarming rate as participation in a connected society continues to evolve and impact our daily lives. According to your subscription projections, there could be as many as 3.2 billion devices in operation by the end of 2023, which is a significant increase from the 700 million devices in the IoT today. While there are many reasons for the rise in the number of connected devices, there is no doubt that the long-awaited convergence of 5G communication technologies will have an impact on this growth. As 5G not only replaces the existing 4G standard, but becomes the norm, there is a clear need for companies and manufacturers to design, test and launch their IoT-specific devices and sensors with next-generation connectivity in mind. We no longer need to imagine a world where chronic health conditions such as diabetes can be managed 24/7 without hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, where car accidents are preventable, or where car doors can be unlocked with a simple facial scan. Anyone who has attended the annual event of next-generation consumer technology known as CES will know that the technology to automatically adjust the lighting and temperature of your home, or order the groceries you need before you run out, is already here. However, the shift from science fiction to business-centric fact requires an infrastructure that can support the demand and billions of connected devices. That's where 5G comes in. When you combine the promise of IoT with the practical capabilities of 5G, you have a super-powerful ecosystem of technologies that can transmit massive amounts of data at very high speeds. Add to that advances in IoT communications and sensor miniaturization, and data from hundreds (if not thousands) of countless sensors can be used to gather information and provide actionable insights. This information, no matter how large, can then be communicated and processed at extremely fast rates over 5G connections. Faster connectivity is the obvious future According to a recent Thales Group webinar, there will be approximately 438 million devices with 5G connectivity by the end of this year. This is the fundamental reason why 5G will be a key factor in taking IoT to the next level. The question that needs to be answered, however, is how much of an advantage 5G connectivity will provide beyond the more common 4G, speed and low latency. The answer to that question depends on what your digital needs actually are. As we all know, connectivity has evolved from simply providing access to the Internet to implementing complex architectures that are the building blocks of the digital world. For example, if you consider smart cities, they can connect cars, homes and utility grids, and even garbage collection systems to the Internet of Things. The challenge for companies is that the growth in the number of devices and the need for faster data communications means that existing networks need to be upgraded. Wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G and 4G LTE rely on performance tradeoffs with the connected devices on their networks. This is not the case with 5G. With 5G connectivity speeds of up to 10 Gbps (100 times faster than 4G), the technology can provide a network better suited to the needs of our increasingly connected society. Whether you're playing a movie on your smartphone or driving a smart car, existing 4G networks don't always provide the necessary level of connectivity. 5G can both solve these problems and deliver the speeds that consumers expect. So, is 5G such an improvement over 4G? After all, telcos and ISPs have been talking about how great 4G is for years. The simple response to this is: Yes, 5G is better. Not only because it's a revolutionary wireless technology that many believe is associated with the speed of light, but also because 5G is more energy efficient, has lower latency, and can support more devices per node. Did we mention that 5G is really fast? A recent report from Strategy Analytics states that less than 1% of all current cellular 5G connections are IoT devices. That number is expected to grow over the next nine years, with the report's authors predicting that 40 percent of all connections will be IoT-related by 2030. Most of that growth is expected to occur after 2026, they say, because 4G will remain the most popular form of network communication. 5G and the Internet of Things: A Powerful Combination As companies strive to integrate 5G, any device to be connected must be required to aim to take full advantage of it. To date, the commercial success of IoT devices has depended on how well they communicate with other devices (smartphones, tablets, home hubs, voice user interfaces, etc.). The faster the devices communicate with each other, the more benefits they bring to the end user. In addition, if a project or digital initiative relies on lightning-fast connectivity, then we can incorporate 5G into the mix. At a very simple level, the proposed Internet of Everything must be built on speed, low latency and large bandwidth. This, in turn, unleashes powerful advances in terms of what is possible. 5G can be the catalyst for stable and secure connectivity in the vast IoT ecosystem, where billions of connected devices can work together to deliver what companies and associated customers want. 5G Compatibility is Key To reap the undeniable benefits of 5G, manufacturers must first invest in building 5G-compatible devices. In addition, OEMs must prioritize comprehensive quality assurance testing for these 5G devices. If the software and hardware do not perform as expected under a variety of predetermined conditions, the device is likely to be flagged as faulty. Testing exists to find and fix avoidable errors; if this essential requirement is not part of the process, then any potential benefits that 5G offers will be wasted. First, IoT testing requires large test coverage. IoT networks should be compatible with a range of older and new or upcoming devices, keeping in mind that system fragmentation can become an issue. In our experience, it's not always easy to build an IoT test network that works well on different operating systems, so it's critical that 5G-compatible devices have been tested on a range of systems to limit the chance of fragmentation errors. Second, the IoT and the corresponding software must be tested from all angles. This operation will uncover errors that could affect the device and its connection to the 5G network. By testing the usability and functionality of the software and IoT to get an accurate report on the quality of the 5G connection (software-to-object, object-to-software and behavior), companies can get a clearer picture of the interactions. This means that if there are any bugs that would prevent critical functionality and degrade the user experience, the QA team will find them during the testing phase. Third, testing needs to evaluate the ability of the IoT to connect and stay connected to other smart devices. In many ways, this is the most important part of the testing phase. Unstable connections can prevent devices from interacting with each other and cause data loss, which can be a problem. Stability is key, and connectivity on a 5G network relies on this factor. If the connection is unstable, then staying connected to other devices can be problematic. Therefore, it is critical to test the IoT in different connectivity scenarios to avoid these difficulties. Public vs. Private 5G When most people refer to 5G, they are referring to a public 5G network. In order to use this public 5G, you must be within range of a compatible network and have access to spectrum that is typically owned by a mobile network operator (MNO). Therefore, the management and service of this public 5G network is the responsibility of the MNO. One would assume that the same type of basic conditions would apply to a private 5G network, with the MNO being replaced by a company that is not itself a telecommunications provider or operator. Otherwise known as non-public 5G, there are clear differences that designers and developers need to be aware of. One major difference is that public 5G is intended for use by the general public, with millions of users on the national network. Private 5G networks, on the other hand, have a dedicated purpose defined by a single enterprise or organization in a given location. These physical elements can range from individual buildings to entire ports, with notable examples including manufacturing facilities, university campuses, hospitals, military bases and other locations with critical infrastructure or mission-critical applications. The adoption of private 5G networks is increasing due to high capacity, fast communication and low latency. 5G is seen as the next stage in the evolution of digital communications, so it makes sense that decision makers would want to integrate the technology into their work practices. If you want further proof of this, then you need only look at the fact that industrial and manufacturing companies are paying close attention to 5G. Many of these organizations are eager to seamlessly integrate 5G networks into their instruments, interconnected sensors and other devices, all of which will be networked to existing infrastructure and industrial applications, including manufacturing and energy management. 5G and the Industrial Internet of Things The 2020 blockade forces every business sector to look at how they communicate and, more importantly, where they are in the required digital transformation journey. ComputerWeekly reports that this epidemic is not only disruptive in a business sense, but is also a catalyst for increased IoT adoption. The news source cites a Gartner survey of global business leaders that found innovations such as digital twins and artificial intelligence are driving increased investment in IoT-specific solutions, with 47 percent of the 402 respondents planning to integrate more digital solutions into their companies. The main reason, according to the report, is that "IoT generates a predictable ROI over the management period. According to Juniper research, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is expected to include 22 billion devices by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 107 percent. More commonly referred to as Industry 4.0, IIOT will become the "factory of the future," combining smart manufacturing with physical production and operations to create a more comprehensive and tightly connected industrial ecosystem through the use of smart digital technologies, machine learning and big data; a factory that needs to be properly connected. A Startus Insights report focused on major 5G milestones says $2.3 billion has been invested in the IIoT space since 2015. Taken together, this level of investment is second only to the $2.8 billion invested in logistics over the same period. Source: Startus Insights With the above in mind, 5G technology provider Qualcomm has announced its own IoT modem solutions that are optimised for industrial IoT applications and equipped with 5G connectivity. These latest 5G-enabled IoT modems support the global 5G new radio below 6 GHz band and operate in standalone mode. In addition to this capability, the modems can be switched to LTE as needed and deployed on public or private 5G networks using network slicing or individually. The solution is said to be best suited for industrial IoT applications that can be integrated with wired technologies and existing Ethernet. In addition, the new modem is equipped with hardware and software for extended life. Qualcomm claims that this technology will provide organisations with a new generation of fast, high-performance, powerful IoT solutions across different market segments, including construction, manufacturing, public places and precision agriculture. For example, the 315 5G IoT modem is designed with industrial and enterprise applications in mind, has thermal efficiency features and offers low-power gigabit performance to enable industrial IoT. Enea is also pursuing the momentum created by 5G innovation. The Swedish-based global IT company has launched its 5G Microcore for the enterprise, focusing on smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 initiatives. As an added bonus, Enea has developed its product as part of a minimal footprint, based on the company's 5G core solutions developed by multiple Tier 1 operators. At the time of writing, Enea's products are undergoing extensive trials in Asia. Several companies have introduced private 5G networks in their smart factories and need robust data management for robotics and automation to support Industry 4.0 initiatives. This makes the development of such products even more relevant not only in terms of 5G compatibility, but also in terms of how it will impact the future of the Internet of Things itself. Why 5G is important While mobile network operators have made several attempts to extend the obvious benefits of 5G to their subscribers, the public is still satisfied with the speeds offered by 4G. This is not to say that the consumer market will not evolve, but that society seems (for now) content with the status quo. From an industrial or commercial perspective, the stakes are much higher at the table. Juniper Research, for example, identifies 5G as the key to IIoT growth, leveraging the technology to gain higher levels of operation. In addition, the report predicts that technologies such as 5G and low power wide area (LPWA) will play a key role in attracting manufacturing to the concept of "smart manufacturing," where high connection densities and real-time data transmission provide a high degree of autonomy for manufacturers' operations. While public networks are the primary use case for 5G, private networks will be invaluable to companies generating large amounts of data in high connection density environments. If the network is working properly, operating expenses will be reduced through increased efficiency. If you also consider that more smartphone manufacturers are producing devices with built-in 5G compatibility, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that 5G will be the dominant force in terms of needed connectivity. In fact, 5G is more than just a logical upgrade from 4G. As the need for fast communication portals and seamless data transfer continues to grow, the Internet of Things is becoming less about things themselves and more about how they make our lives better, more efficient and more digital. For these reasons alone, 5G brings wireless technology closer to the viable vision of the future that science fiction has been promising us for decades. For now, however, we are still in the early stages of 5G adoption. Yes, the technology is here and it will be a game changer, but companies need to make sure they are approaching the latest developments in network connectivity in the right way. Some are still grappling with the transition from 3G to 4G, so adding 5G to the equation raises a whole new set of challenges to overcome. If policymakers understand that these pain points are solvable, then integrating 5G into the connected society will be the next step in our digital future.