Why should virtual operators give privacy protection?

The virtual mobile phone number is supported by the service provided by Alibaba Communications. Passengers and drivers communicate with each other based on the middle number without publishing the mobile phone number, thereby maintaining the privacy of the owner.
When calling you, you actually call the virtual operator first, and the virtual operator will let you hear it after the transfer.
In order to better protect the privacy of customers, Meituan Waimai sets a virtual number. Meituan riders cannot see the customer's real number. The virtual number is invalid three hours after the order is completed, and the customer's detailed address is hidden.
The virtual mobile phone number is supported by the service provided by Alibaba Communications. Passengers and drivers communicate with each other based on the middle number without publishing the mobile phone number, thereby maintaining the privacy of the owner.
Virtual numbers, such as U.S. virtual numbers, are mostly APP numbers. How to say it is that after logging in to a software, this software is used to answer calls. In short, the mobile phone is used as a phone. , If you haven't even taken the plane yet, you can try it.
Only most of these APP numbers are from the United States, so as long as someone calls you a virtual number, even if they are in my country, it is considered international long distance. Using the online resources of the virtual phone, or paying for services, it is also possible to transfer calls to the virtual number to an existing fixed-line or mobile phone. my country’s advanced life service e-commerce platform has apps that are familiar to customers such as Meituan Dianping and Meituan. The service items include catering, food delivery, fresh food retail, taxi, shared bicycles, tourist catering, movies, entertainment and leisure. After more than 200 categories, the business processes covering 2800 districts, counties an