Private Network And 5G Pairing To Help Smart City Development

As more and more organizations develop operations,
processes, and services that require strong and ubiquitous cellular coverage,
private networks are rapidly emerging to meet these high connectivity
Consider the superior performance provided by 5G in terms of
security and data flow, as well as the reliability, speed, mobility,
flexibility, efficiency, and coverage of connections required to support
advanced smart technology applications. As more and more organizations develop
operations, processes, and services that require strong and ubiquitous cellular
coverage, private networks are rapidly emerging to meet these high connectivity
Therefore, it is easy to understand why 5G private network
implementation is gaining traction as the preferred infrastructure for
enterprises to take advantage of the opportunities brought by 5G. More practically,
private networks are also ideal for monitoring the priority of key operational
technologies, especially data flow and security, and are suitable for regional
operators such as municipalities, large venues and campuses.

The key factors that promote the deployment of private
A private network driven by 4G / 5G cellular wireless
technology provides unparalleled functions and is supported by a huge business
ecosystem. In contrast, public networks often cannot meet extreme requirements
for coverage, capacity, reliability, security, low latency, or low-power
devices. Private networks not only overcome these challenges, but the evolving
technology ecosystem makes them suitable for organizations in any department.
They are highly customizable and are usually designed and
deployed by infrastructure companies such as BAI Communications to meet
specific requirements, starting with coverage. Large-scale indoor places such
as factories, warehouses, transportation hubs, tunnels, and underground require
ubiquitous coverage to operate smoothly and achieve network slicing.
These environments are also increasingly using the Internet
of Things, automation, machine learning, and data analysis technologies, which
will make their operations and services more susceptible to disruptions and
changes. In order to make the advanced technology powerful, the coverage cannot
have dead spots or downtime, which can be guaranteed through a dedicated
High capacity is another benefit of private networks,
especially because it can be provided by telecom infrastructure companies at a
reasonable cost, adjusted or upgraded on demand. The capacity provided by the
public network is not enough to support a wide range of operations and related
scale technical requirements, let alone advanced features.
A high-capacity network is required to support
high-bandwidth services, such as video calls across many devices in a large
organization or simultaneously supporting hundreds of thousands of users in a
stadium. Functionally, high capacity is also required to support the large
number of low-bandwidth sensors required to deploy the Internet of Things and
complementary technologies. Similarly, private networks can easily meet these
Another important driving factor for the deployment of
private networks is the requirement for low latency to ensure rapid response
time to different network loads. Industries such as resources, manufacturing,
and logistics require industrial controls with extremely low latency to ensure
fast processing and response times. With lower latency, communication between
connected devices is more effective and instant, thereby making cloud services
and applications more responsive and capable, providing instant access to
information, seamless video conferencing, and reducing employee downtime.
Companies that rely on automation can monitor, identify, and repair faults in
real time, avoiding costly asset downtime.
Finally, high reliability and security are also key
advantages of private networks, which are characteristics that cannot be satisfied
by public networks. Private networks are designed to protect data, device and
user identities, locations, and external security threats. They provide
organizations with complete control over their networks and ensure that
communications are always available, even under adverse conditions.
Important considerations for design and deployment
First, make sure that your infrastructure provider is
designing and/or deploying a future-proof network. This means that there is no
need to redesign the network for the foreseeable future. In the long run, the
best option is to deploy 4G infrastructure that can be used for 5G at a lower
cost, rather than choosing short-term cost savings, rather than the long-term
cost of restructuring the network in the next few years.
The next important consideration is to choose a network
infrastructure provider. An infrastructure contract with a single mobile
network operator (MNO) may impose long-term restrictions on your organization
because of the need to fulfill contractual obligations and the cost of breaking
those obligations or even replacing providers when the contract expires. The
infrastructure built by existing mobile network operators is tailored to the
services and technologies they provide. A neutral host infrastructure provides
flexibility and (re)negotiation options.
A neutral host network owned and operated by a third party
provides wholesale mobile coverage solutions for mobile network operators or
other communication service providers, all of which can use-share-a single
network. Its greatest potential is to improve the coverage and capacity of 5G
and 4G networks in rural areas, inside large buildings, downtown, and along
major roads and railways.
BAI Communications is an industry leader in providing
future-oriented 5G-ready, neutral host wireless and fiber services that are
tailored to suit the local environment. This capability allows BAI to be
responsible for important infrastructure projects, providing cellular and Wi-Fi
coverage in major cities such as New York, Toronto, and Hong Kong, and
providing solid support for the neutral host private network business case.
Transport for London (TfL) recently awarded BAI
Communications a 20-year contract to provide high-speed mobile connectivity
throughout the capital in the most advanced and largest infrastructure project
in the world, which may be a neutral host infrastructure project The most
important example. The cooperation between BAI and Transport for London will
establish a long-awaited connection backbone with a city-wide integrated
communications network that provides multi-operator cellular, Wi-Fi and fiber
optic connection services.
BAI will establish and operate as a neutral host for fixed
and mobile operators and support 4G and 5G communication networks that will
accelerate the development of London as a smart city. BAI will also help create
a safer and smarter London by building and operating critical communications
infrastructure that supports police, fire and ambulance services.
These important considerations will help governments and
private organizations avoid some of the key risks associated with the
establishment of telecommunications networks. They will also ensure that the
technology used by the organization operates with maximum effectiveness and
achieves the expected business results, thereby providing the best experience
for the people and customers that the organization serves.
Therefore, neutral hosting infrastructure providers,
especially those that work with mobile network operators such as BAI
Communications, can play an important role in supporting the public and private
sectors to use their 5G-ready private networks to build "smart
communities." Contribute to the development of smart cities in a meaningful
and achievable way.