Address permanent roaming risks through network localization

Over the past few years, operators and regulators in major countries around the world, including Brazil, Canada, China, India, Australia and the United States, have become increasingly unfriendly to permanent roaming. This poses a major challenge for IoT device operators that rely on single mobile network operator (MNO) or mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) protocols to connect non-home network devices.
Roam permanently
For those unfamiliar with the term, "permanent roaming" occurs when IoT devices connect to a network in a geographic area outside their "home" market or country. While many networks have historically supported permanent roaming, devices roaming on hostile networks or countries are now at greater risk because operators and regulators will stop at unwanted permanent roaming traffic (not puns).
Security is a major factor here, because many regulators require SIM identities and data from IoT devices to end at a country's borders. to meet safety requirements.
In addition to security-related risks, roaming is often an expensive option for IoT devices with poor application performance, as most IoT applications do not require a data routing architecture.
Fortunately, eSIM/eUICC technology has the potential to address these issues through network localization.
Network localization
Network localization eliminates the risk of permanent roaming and improves performance by downloading local network credential wireless (OTA) to the device. For example, in the past, when a device was deployed using off-the-shelf SIM technology on a non-home network, the device roamed into the network, incurring expensive roaming charges and being affected by poor network performance.
However, by switching out-of-the-box SIM cards using some eSIM/eUICC technologies, the same device can now download local network credentials OTA, minimizing security risks associated with permanent roaming while addressing network performance issues and reducing costs.