LoRaWAN for Public, Private and Hybrid Networks

LoRaWAN for Public, Private and Hybrid Networks
Sophisticated network connectivity technologies offer many benefits that vary by technology. Low-power wide-area (LPWA) technology offers several different options to support large-scale IoT deployments, where low-complexity devices can take advantage of LPWA's low-power capabilities to optimize their lifecycle. LoRaWAN is one of these LPWA options, unique in that it is non-cellular. This makes it an affordable option as it can be flexibly used in public, private or hybrid network structures. Advantages and disadvantages
of choosing a public network
- Public networks are easier to deploy.
- Public networks are good for outdoor use.
- The main disadvantages of public networks are the lack of control and operating expenses.
Through the public network, users can access the infrastructure of existing telecom operators, including antennas. The benefit of the public network is that it covers the whole country, because the infrastructure of the network is already established. Because of this, integrating with the infrastructure that the operator will also manage is a relatively straightforward process.
Existing infrastructure also helps support the widespread use of IoT devices outdoors. The only downside is that when utilizing public networks, the subscription-based model can get expensive as more devices are added. While the infrastructure is managed by the carrier, which may initially be an advantage, it will be a disadvantage if organizations want more control over their connections. Advantages and disadvantages
of choosing a private network
- Private networks are good for indoor use.
- A private network can provide more security.
- The main disadvantage of a private network is the upfront capital expenditure and infrastructure maintenance.
As with any connectivity technology, LoRaWAN's private network will require more infrastructure development -- mainly gateways and servers. While this means that upfront capital expenditures will be high, in the end, operating expenses will be lower because users won't be paying subscription fees to independent operators. Instead, users will become their own operators, responsible for the infrastructure.
Many indoor use cases of LoRaWAN can benefit from a private network, including campuses, factories, and buildings.
LoRaWAN for Hybrid Networks
LoRaWAN can also use hybrid networks and can provide the benefits of both public and private networks to meet the requirements of the application.
LoRaWAN is designed for both indoor and outdoor environments, which may need to be addressed due to its ability to support large-scale IoT use cases.
Some of the top use cases for LoRaWAN include:
- agriculture
- Assets and Logistics
- City
- health care
- industrial
- utilities
- smart home