Five ways 5G will change retail

Five ways 5G will change retail
5G is a hot topic—as is Web 3.0 and the Metaverse. But like other technologies, 5G is not a specific solution but an enabler. What matters most is what you use it for.
So what can retailers do with 5G? The answers are nearly limitless, but in summary, 5G will enable merchants to perform complex digital tasks faster and at a larger scale.
Michael Colaneri, who worked at AT&T for 30 years and now leads the telecom vertical retail business, said: "5G is really three things-speed, latency and massive connectivity. Speed is how fast the connection is; What kind of friction do you have at speed; and connecting at scale is just being able to distribute it more efficiently to more people.”
According to Ericsson, 5G is still in its infancy at the consumer and enterprise levels, but is expected to grow rapidly and become the dominant mobile access technology by 2027, when penetration in North America will reach 90%.
This ultra-fast connection -- when combined with other technologies such as the Internet of Things, computer vision or cloud computing -- will enable everything from virtually enhanced personalized in-store shopping, to real-time on-shelf item detection, to supply chain tracking . Not to mention it will be a major part of the Metaverse.
Lisa Collins, head of enterprise partnerships and product strategy at the Verizon 5G Lab, said: "5G will dramatically change the way we shop, the way businesses operate, and the way retailers gain real-time insights from data in an exciting new way. Incredible operational efficiency drives business decisions."
What exactly is 5G?
In short, 5G is the next generation of public mobile networks. Before it arrives:
- 1G - the first mobile phone
- 2G - SMS came
- 3G - Bringing the internet to our handheld devices
- 4G - The age of the smartphone, a device that can perform multiple functions simultaneously, is now dominating our lives.
Then in 2019, 5G entered the market (6G is expected to arrive around 2030, in case you were wondering). “5G includes new capabilities that were not available in previous generations of mobile networks,” said Steve Gurney, head of global department store retail at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Connecting 100x more devices than 4G/LTE - and virtually segmenting the network to give different classes of users [like retail stores] their own customized network. These new capabilities make 5G even more attractive to businesses than previous mobile technologies .5G’s upgrade is similar to the switch from copper to fiber for home broadband.”
So, what does all this mean for retail?
这就是问题所在——将 5G 的巨大潜力缩小为一系列具体的商业投资可能具有挑战性,尤其是在通胀压力导致零售预算收紧的情况下。
一个共同点是数字化。以下是5G 体验/解决方案正在测试或已经在零售店部署的五个地方。
1. 实时欺诈预防、客户支持等
当 5G 的速度与移动边缘计算相结合时(数据处理和存储发生在数据收集的“边缘”,例如零售店),实时数据分析和响应就成为了现实。这通常与云计算密切相关(数据处理发生在云中,而不是现场服务器)。
此外,AWS 的 Gurney 解释道:“5G提供了更多的带宽,尤其是上传带宽,这意味着零售商可以更轻松、更快速地将视频从商店上传到云端。5G还降低了终端设备和云之间的延迟,这使得零售商可以使用人工智能和机器学习等高级服务来分析视频内容并实时做出响应——想想店内客户流量、客户资料分析、异常客户、智能员工调度、威胁检测和泄露检测等。”
2. 快速、顺畅的结账
更高的带宽/更低的延迟组合也将带来增强的顺畅结账体验。Verizon 的 5G 实验室一直在与计算机视觉合作伙伴 AiFi 一起在这方面进行测试。AiFi 的解决方案类似于亚马逊的 Just Walk Out 技术,通过摄像头和人工智能跟踪消费者在商店购买的商品,提供真正的“即拿即走”体验。
Verizon 和 AiFi 已在最近的许多活动中部署了该解决方案,包括音乐会、Indy 500、Brickyard NASCAR 比赛、迈阿密硬石体育场的 Express Shop,以及与底特律福特球场的食品和饮料提供商Levy合作。Collins说:“我们将一家商店的同一天销售额与AiFi商店的销售额进行了比较,仅在第一天,我们就实现了收入翻番,交易时间缩短了一半,购买的商品数量也翻了一番。”
3. 增强的个性化店内购物体验
AWS 的 Gurney 指出,更多的带宽和支持更多设备的能力“为创新的解决方案提供了机会,这些解决方案可以预测客户需求,并使用定制的移动应用程序(如店内导航和基于消费者购物历史的促销优惠)创造超本地化体验,或者提供AR体验,在客户的移动设备上实时叠加数据”。
Colaneri表示,5G设备预计将在2025年左右在美国达到饱和,届时“事情将开始变得非常有趣”。事实上,这一点上的可能性似乎是无穷无尽的,AT&T 强调了诸如“魔镜”之类的应用,这些应用将能够通过RFID标签识别某人正在试穿的商品,并在试衣间显示相关广告和相关配饰。事实上,H&M 集团旗下的 COS 最近宣布在其美国门店推出智能镜子——未来就在这里。
4. 店内库存管理
当与物联网嵌入式传感器等技术相结合时,5G 将使零售商能够实时查看商店库存,从而在货架商品不足时及时补充。
Collins说:“Verizon 一直在使用 AWS Smart Shelf 技术测试货架商品缺失情况,我们发现,仅通过发回实时数据,我们就能够推动收入增长12%至13%。此外,我们能够了解哪些区域客流量最多,以调派或优化员工配备”。
5. 供应链优化
Colaneri补充道:“借助 5G 和物联网,我们可以对商品进行标记,然后在整个区域跟踪其温度、位置、可行性等,然后送入商店。我们也可以时刻关注供应链,这一点变得非常重要,尤其是在最近几年供应链面临诸多挑战的情况下。”
Gurney 说,AWS正在亚马逊物流中心通过其专用5G产品提供可靠的网络服务,这使亚马逊能够更有效、安全和准确地在这些广阔区域移动导引拖车。
Collins 说:“从商店到体育场馆再到仓库,有一件事是明确的——在5G和移动边缘计算出现之前,这一切都不可能存在。5G 和移动边缘计算不仅会增强,而且会改变下一代体验,而这仅仅只是开始。”