A topic worth pondering: Will the birth of Wi-Fi 7 replace the 5G network?

In recent years, wireless technology has developed rapidly, and the freedom it provides has changed every aspect of our work and life. It can be said that wherever there is a network, WiFi is everywhere!
History of WiFi
The history of WiFi dates back to 1971, when the University of Hawaii provided the first public demonstration of ALOHAnet, a wireless packet data network operating on UHF (Ultra High Frequency) radio waves, which consisted of seven Computers that could communicate with a central computer on Oahu without a telephone line, the prototype of wireless networks was actually born at this time.
In 1985, under the impetus of FCC engineer Michael Marcus, the U.S. telecommunications regulator opened up the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) band of the wireless spectrum for use in communications without a government license, issuing The frequencies include: 900 MHz, 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz.
In 1988, CR Corporation and AT&T Corporation released WaveLAN, intended for use in cash register systems, proposed as a wireless alternative to existing Ethernet and Token Ring systems, WaveLAN operates at 900MHz or 2.4GHz, providing 1 to 2 Mbps speed.
In 1989, NCR submitted the WaveLAN design to the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee.
In 1990, the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group was chaired by "Father of WiFi" Vic Hayes.
In 1996, Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) patented a technology to reduce multipath interference in radio signals transmitted by computer networks, a technology developed by John O'Sullivan that eventually made its way into 802.11a (and higher). version) standard.
Since then, since 1997, the version of the 802.11 protocol has been born!
- In 1997, 802.11 protocol was born, speed: 2Mbps
- In 1999, 802.11B protocol was born, speed: 11Mbps
- In 1999, 802.11A protocol was born, speed: 54Mbps
- In 2003, 802.11G protocol was born, speed: 54Mbps
- In 2009, WiFi 4 (802.11N) was born, speed: 600Mbps
- In 2013, WiFi 5 (802.11AC) was born, speed: 7000Mbps
- In 2019, WiFi 6 (802.11AX) was born, speed: 10000Mbps
Brothers, pay attention to the fact that the latest 802.11 protocol has reached AX, which is what we often call WiFi 6. The speed has reached an astonishing 10,000Mbps, which can be roughly regarded as a transmission rate of 10G per second. The speed can be described as terrible!
WiFi 6 is so powerful, what about WiFi 7?
WiFi 7
Wi-Fi 7,即802.11be,是电气和电子工程师协会正在制定的下一个 Wi-Fi 标准,它的速度高达 46Gbps,比 Wi-Fi 6 快近五倍,延迟减少了很多,Wi-Fi 7拥有极高的吞吐量,可以提供更高的频谱效率、更高的功率效率、更好的干扰缓解、更高的容量密度和更高的成本效率。
WiFi 7特点
1、320MHz 信道带宽
得益于 6GHz 频谱的更宽信道和容量增益,Wi-Fi 7 可以提供巨大的吞吐量增益,Wi-Fi 7 可以提供超过 40 Gbps 的峰值速率,是 Wi-Fi 6E 的 4 倍。
Wi-Fi 7 引入了几个多链路选项,可以显着提高吞吐量并减少延迟,最强大的多链路替代方案是高频段同时多链路,它使用两个在高频段(5 或 6 GHz)同时运行的 Wi-Fi 无线电,创建一个聚合数据管道来提供最佳性能。
3、4K QAM
Wi-Fi 7 正在标准化一种称为 4K QAM 的高级调制方案,与使用 1K QAM 调制的 Wi-Fi 系统相比,它可以提高峰值速率以增加吞吐量和容量。
在以前的 Wi-Fi 标准中,每个接入点在接受来自端点的连接请求和将流量来回移动到该端点方面是独立的,多 AP 操作创建了一种网状配置,相邻的 AP 可以协调工作,以提高频谱和资源利用率,可以对多 AP 操作进行编程,以便一组 AP 形成一个子系统,其中可以紧密协调信道访问和传输调度。
WiFi 7 会取代5G吗?
既然WiFi 7那么强大,那么它会取代同样强大的5G吗?
这两者完全是两码事,Wi-Fi 是一种局域网 (LAN),主要用于室内,例如家庭或工作场所。蜂窝网络,如主要运营商使用的 4G LTE 网络,是一种在室内和室外都使用的广域网 (WAN),通常在长距离上使用。
与 4G/LTE 相比,5G 网络将提供 50 倍的速度、10 倍的延迟和 1000 倍的容量,这意味着 5G 将能够连接更多设备并传输比以往更多的数据,提供快速连接并显着增强用户体验,与 LTE 一样,移动运营商将为其 5G 网络提供订阅服务,这需要支持 5G 的设备。
Wi-Fi 的部署、维护和扩展成本较低,所以一般用于接入网,5G 用于移动连接,如智能手机、联网汽车、智慧城市部署,甚至可以用于大型制造场景。