Accelerating Cloud-Network Convergence Aruba Announces Extending SD-WAN Services to Alibaba Cloud

Aruba, a division of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, today announced that Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN is now extended to Alibaba Cloud. Alibaba Cloud is the world's leading public cloud service provider, providing enterprise customers with cloud hosting services based on cloud workloads. The Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN edge platform has passed the Alibaba Cloud deployment certification test. Now, enterprise users can download the Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN virtual instance through the Aruba Support Portal and upload it to the enterprise Alibaba Cloud account to extend Aruba SD-WAN to Alibaba Cloud environment.
As enterprises accelerate their transition to a "cloud-first" strategy, global IT teams must navigate the complexities of interconnecting resources on-premises and in the cloud to ensure that users can access all workloads no matter where they are located. Through integration with Alibaba Cloud, Aruba and its industry-leading Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN edge platform provide dynamic and secure connectivity from edge to edge, edge to cloud, and cloud to cloud, enabling enterprises to optimize traditional or cloud-hosted Application and network performance, regardless of their network environment or location.
The disruptive technical capabilities of Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN are now extended to workloads and applications hosted on Alibaba Cloud, including:
Path Conditioning: Overcome the adverse effects of packet loss and packet out-of-order that may occur in broadband Internet, MPLS, and 5G/LTE connections, thereby improving application performance and providing a user experience as smooth as a dedicated line on the public Internet.
First-packet iQ™ Application Classification: The ability to identify over 10,000 applications on the first packet, allowing trusted SaaS and web traffic to go directly to the Internet, while passing unknown or suspicious traffic to data center firewalls or IDS/ IPS.
Tunnel Bonding: Direct applications over bonded links or tunnels to form a single logical overlay connection that acts on multiple broadband, MPLS links, or any combination of links, optimizing real-time traffic performance.
Aruba Boost WAN优化:为企业提供单个统一的SD-WAN边缘平台,从而增强延迟敏感型应用的性能,并最大限度减少广域网中的重复数据传输。
国际行业解决方案和架构负责人Raymond Xiao表示:“阿里云与Aruba的此次合作将允许阿里云的客户通过全球规模最大的公有云平台之一,获取Aruba 领先的EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN边缘平台,并从中受益。”
Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN全球技术联盟领导人Fraser Street表示:“Aruba致力于帮助客户向云优先的WAN转型,使企业能够在阿里云的全球网络中获得Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN所提供的卓越能力,而不论企业身处何处。”
Aruba中国区总经理谢建国表示:“Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN专为当今的边缘到云企业量身打造,与阿里云的合作有助于扩大Aruba领先的边缘到云网络解决方案在全球的落地应用,帮助企业将边缘与云端无缝的、安全的连接在一起。未来Aruba将持续提供创新解决方案,通过边缘到云的转型,帮助客户取得新的业务成果。”