Do you really need a gigabit network?

Do you really need a gigabit network?

A gigabit network means a speed of 1g per second. To put it more aptly, at these speeds, we can download an average HD movie in under a minute, and a much larger movie like a Blu-ray or 4K movie in five minutes. The advertised connection speed usually refers to the download speed, which is the speed at which the modem can receive information.

We've come a long way since the days of dial-up internet. Now we can connect to the internet at much slower speeds than regular high-speed fiber broadband. Gigabit service is available in most regions and costs less than $100 on average. But does anyone really need a gigabit connection?

But what exactly do these speeds mean? Will it bring about a significant change to the online experience? Here, we'll take a deep dive into what superfast internet will offer us, and if we need it, it's even available. There are also some downsides to consider, and it's also possible that the promised speed isn't even the speed you actually get.

How fast is a gigabit network?

A gigabit network means a speed of 1g per second. To put it more aptly, at these speeds, we can download an average HD movie in under a minute, and a much larger movie like a Blu-ray or 4K movie in five minutes. The advertised connection speed usually refers to the download speed, which is the speed at which the modem can receive information. The upload speed, or the speed at which the modem can send data, may be significantly reduced. Since most people download far more than they upload, this might not be a problem, but it's something to consider when using a plan.

Gigabit networks are also overkill when it comes to streaming. Standard definition streams only require around 4mb/s of connection speed, while HD streams require 8MB/s, and UHD streams require up to 25mb/s. All of this can easily be achieved with a fiber connection, provided no more people are trying to watch Ultra HD movies as bandwidth allows.

The average internet speed in the US is around 204mb/s, and gigabit internet speeds are five times that. So gigabit connections may also be future-proof if you want to take advantage of emerging internet services.

why do you need it

The main reason people choose gigabit fiber over standard high-speed fiber is the increased bandwidth. If you live alone and only use it on your laptop and phone, a 100mb/s connection is probably fast enough. The more family members and devices you add, the less bandwidth everyone gets.

If it's a family of four and everyone in the family is streaming or playing online games every night, a better internet package may be needed to handle the increased usage. Smart home users may also feel the sting because all smart devices are connected to a Wi-Fi network. Some, like Google Home or Alexa, may also need to use some internet bandwidth. Even smaller homes require a lot of bandwidth.

Remote work and distance education have also increased the need for fast and reliable internet. Multiple people making video calls, accessing office computers remotely, and downloading and uploading files can put a lot of stress on the network. While home networking can be used for entertainment, you may find it unsuitable for remote work, especially if the entire family needs to be online. Video calls and conferencing can be particularly stressful on networks because they require large amounts of download and upload bandwidth.

This is also where upload speed can be an issue. If you're doing nothing but browsing, only a small amount of data needs to be uploaded, so the speed won't have much impact. However, if you need to regularly send large files, such as videos and pictures, slow upload speeds can mean hours of wasted time.

What are the disadvantages

While significantly faster internet has considerable advantages, it also has disadvantages, two of the most obvious being suppliers and price.

For example, the average cost of a gigabit network is $73 per month, which is about $17 more per month than a standard high-speed network. But anyone who's ever encountered a cable company that monopolizes an area knows that when it comes to internet service, average costs can be a distant dream, along with equipment and installation costs. You might be lucky enough to have a gigabit network available in your area right away, or you might pay $100+ before your contract starts, and see a "modem lease" fee or similar that adds to your reasonable monthly bill.

Your home may not be ready for gigabit internet. If your home network can't handle it, it will bottleneck your connection and most of the extra speed you pay for will be wasted, possibly not living in an area that offers gigabit speeds, for example.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, 88 percent of Americans live in areas where gigabit networks are available. However, things are a bit more complicated than that. The gigabit network area you currently live in may not be the ideal network location you think it is. Even if you're in an area that claims to have gigabit internet, it's not guaranteed to have it on our streets or in our buildings. If you do have access, the advertised speed may not be what you actually get.

Not all gigabit networks are created equal

Like those online job ads that promise to pay up to $1,000 a day, the word "top" has a lot going for it. Some providers offer "gigabit" service, which essentially means 1gb/s is the fastest speed for the internet. The average speed could be much lower.

Not all providers are like this, but given the costs involved, it's something to be wary of. If you decide to go with a gigabit network, read the contract, make sure the provider is clear about any trial or cancellation periods, and monitor the service during that time to make sure you're getting the speed you need.

Should you upgrade your gigabit network?

We must consider our budget and situation before making a decision. If you live in a large family and are constantly fighting over bandwidth usage, it may well be worth it. If you're happy with your current broadband speeds, then this might be worth considering. However, if you live alone and only have a few devices online, you might just be wasting money by choosing a faster connection than you actually need.

There are also equipment issues. Sometimes upgrading your router or revisiting how your home network is planned can improve the online experience more than anything else.