Can 5G news become a moat for operators in the digital economy era?

Can 5G news become a moat for operators in the digital economy era?

On April 8, 2020, the three major operators jointly released the "5G Message White Paper" in the form of online release. The "5G Messaging White Paper" expounds the core concept of 5G messaging, clarifies related business functions and technical requirements, and proposes several ideas for the ecological construction of 5G messaging.

The completion of the "5G Message Payment Technical Specifications" and "5G Message Banking Application Technical Specifications" is a new path to promote the digital transformation of the financial industry and has strategic significance.

Products are carriers of information services. There is a key carrier here, 5G news.

We are more familiar with text messages. The three most basic functions of using a mobile phone to enjoy communication services are calls, text messages, and address books. As one of the most important transmission carriers of information flow in digital society, the short message service has written a splendid stroke in the history of mobile communication development. Even today, SMS verification codes are the most common and best verification methods because of their individual trigger timeliness and pertinence.

"If it is not new, there is nothing to advance, and if it is not old, there is nothing to defend." Business innovation must conform to the development of the times, but it is not necessary to completely reinvent the wheel.

On April 8, 2020, the three major operators jointly released the "5G Message White Paper" in the form of online release. The "5G Messaging White Paper" expounds the core concept of 5G messaging, clarifies related business functions and technical requirements, and proposes several ideas for the ecological construction of 5G messaging. The 5G message service is a new upgrade of the terminal's native basic short message service. According to the interaction method, it can be roughly divided into two categories: the information interaction between individual users, and the information interaction between enterprises and individual users. 5G messages also support encrypted transmission, graphic passwords and other information interaction methods, which can provide information security and protect user privacy.


From the perspective of enterprise development, when new technologies, new business models and new models are just born, and the market supply and demand are unbalanced, there are dividend benefits. When supply and demand are balanced, business development requires an economic moat. The concept of a moat was first coined by Mr. Warren Buffett, and presumably refers to a company's sustainable competitive advantage against competitors' attacks -- like a moat that protects a castle. The four moats are intangible assets, cost advantages, network effects, and migration costs.

The 5G news made by the three major operators with one standard can precipitate the existing brand, scale, assets and other effects. If we can innovate the operation, management, ecology and other models, it will be a basic moat in the digital economy era.

The biggest role of 5G is to promote the seamless connection and deep integration of people, things and applications. What are the benefits of 5G messaging? The most intuitive feature is that it is an Internet application that does not need to be downloaded. Each application uses a mobile phone number as an account, and the number unifies the account of each application system, which makes it easier to call the capabilities of each application system, easier to interconnect, and break the application island and data island. For users, it is a scenario-based digital application and a smooth enjoyment of digital life. 5G messaging improves the efficiency with which we connect the world.

As far as operators are concerned, 5G messages make mobile phone short messages a one-stop digital service carrier, from one-way notifications to multiple interactions, so that their respective capabilities can be opened more efficiently, enabling mutual empowerment, and 5G messages call other application capabilities. Convenience is also greatly improved.

Taking the most common 5G message + mobile authentication as an example, it can be derived from behind, 5G message + mobile authentication + security + big data + Internet application + rights, combining security, big data, and rights, so that 5G messages and rich Colorful Internet application linkage.

Another example is industry short messages. By delivering 5G rich media messages, it provides a visual operation platform and rich configuration templates, turning traditional text notification services into a variety of real-time human-computer interaction services. It is very suitable for the recent epidemic prevention text messages and anti-fraud text messages.

The central government has issued the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Large National Market". The communication industry should establish a user-centered fundamental point, form consensus and synergy, and on the one hand, create high-quality information service supply for the development of enterprises. It is better to provide more services; on the other hand, it is necessary to help industrial upgrading and actively serve the new development pattern.

For example, in terms of government services, it can be used as a government service window to online and facilitate processes such as number-taking services and business inquiries, covering all the people who handle affairs; in terms of serving cultural tourism, it covers ticket purchase, travel, meal ordering, entertainment, etc. Types of life scenarios, one-stop closed-loop experience of various life services; in terms of office services, after cooperating with enterprises to configure office applications as 5G messages, employees can quickly complete office supplies application, production approval, labor management and other operations at the SMS portal, improving efficiency.

In the digital economy era, products are the carriers that serve the requirements of the national information development strategy. 5G messaging, messaging is an application, and messaging is a service. For large central enterprises such as China Telecom, China Mobile, and China Unicom, it is not just a matter of competition in the industry. In fact, the key is to upgrade the supply with information services from the height of fulfilling the responsibilities of central enterprises to meet the diversified digitalization of users. Demand can go faster and farther.