Empowering the Metaverse to open a new future of intelligent interaction original

Empowering the Metaverse to open a new future of intelligent interaction original

"Human-computer interaction and high-efficiency network landing" special invited Song Xiaoyu, deputy director of Chongqing University's national virtual reality simulation laboratory, Zhao Weiwei, product technical director of Rokid, and Chen Long, senior market development manager of NVIDIA Networks Division, to lead us into human-computer interaction. Be at the forefront of high-performance networking technology!

On April 23, the "MetaCon Metaverse Technology Conference 2022" hosted by 51CTO was successfully held online. The conference focused on Metaverse industrial policy, academic research results, technological innovation and industry implementation. The "Human-Computer Interaction and High-Efficiency Network Implementation" special session invited a number of technical experts to discuss how to realize human-computer interaction in the metaverse world, VR/AR/MR virtual reality technology, holographic imaging technology, sensing technology and other common technologies. The latest progress, as well as the application of ultra-low latency transmission network architecture in metaverse scenarios, etc. are deeply analyzed and interpreted.

The Metaverse Killed by the Script Landed

Song Xiaoyu, founder and CEO of Glorious City and deputy director of the National Virtual Reality Simulation Laboratory of Chongqing University, thought and interpreted the Metaverse from a practical perspective. He said that thanks to the core technologies accumulated over the years, the company has explored a new direction closely integrated with the Metaverse - virtual space, and successfully landed in the script killing industry.

According to Song Xiaoyu, the company's self-developed virtual space creation platform Mars has the world's first PC/VR dual-mode editing, thousands of native plant virtual resources, terrain carving technology, weather light and shadow creation, super-resolution multiple content output and other technologies. It allows players to enjoy an unprecedented visual feast in the virtual world; for immersive experience, super-resolution panoramic video is used to edit and output the visual content of the space box in real time, which can accurately express the positional relationship and visual effect of space elements, and integrate projection technology The pixel level of the picture corresponds to the fusion zone, realizing the spatial three-dimensional ring screen projection, which subverts the player's new sensory experience; the independently developed intelligent broadcast control technology (JOY-TOUCH) can intelligently control the room temperature, lighting, sound, taste, temperature, Special effects and other modules realize multi-control at one end and enhance the player's immersion; virtual stage technology can integrate performers or players into virtual scenes for in-depth interpretation, while reducing the set and cost, breaking the shackles of script space and realizing people and scenes real-time interaction, thus creating a smoother and more refreshing story experience.

Song Xiaoyu said that the script killing industry has the characteristics of young users, low technology, and rapid growth. The vitality is very strong, and there is a lot of room for technological upgrading, which is very worth exploring and working hard. For players, store owners, and creators and publishers, there are pain points such as lengthy script time, lack of excellent DM tapes, uneven script quality, and rampant piracy. In response to these pain points, core technologies can be used to solve these three aspects: upgrade space, digital copy production and distribution, and script killing metaverse construction.

Song Xiaoyu emphasized that in addition to script killing, the company has also explored new models such as "script life" (interpreting party bars), and will continue to provide script killing, traditional bars, distribution, and other industries and circles for the construction of the metaverse. With corresponding technical support, continue to explore on the track of the Metaverse.

InfiniBand - the only way to network for Meta high-performance clusters

Chen Long, senior market development manager of NVIDIA Networks Division, gave an in-depth sharing of the Meta cluster solution. Chen Long believes that the evolution of data communication technology, the innovation of Internet technology, and the transition of visual presentation all benefit from more powerful computing, larger capacity and safer storage, and more efficient networks. 

Chen Long said that in combination with customer needs, NVIDIA proposed a cluster architecture solution based on InfiniBand network, which can not only provide higher bandwidth network services, but also reduce the consumption of computing resources by network transmission loads and reduce delays. It perfectly integrates HPC and data center, and builds the cornerstone of the development of the Metaverse.

Chen Long emphasized that the reason why InfiniBand can become a mainstream network solution in more and more fields is mainly due to: SDN deployment is simple and easy to maintain, it can provide the highest transmission bandwidth for services, RDMA technology supports CPU offloading, and the industry recognized the lowest latency network , Flexible topology supports unlimited expansion, supports excellent service quality configuration, flexible topology networking, intelligent network load balancing, and supports network computing to speed up program operation.

Compute and storage are two very important components in any cluster. Chen Long said that InfiniBand can accelerate computing by releasing CPU resources, accelerating network transmission, and improving the performance of GPU clusters and AI clusters through technologies such as RDMA, GPU DIrect RDMA, and SHARP. Data performance, thereby enabling storage acceleration.

Wear AR glasses and interact with the future

Zhao Weiwei, product technical director of Rokid, shared and interpreted AR and AI technologies. He said that he hopes to benefit everyone and empower the future through high-tech capabilities such as AR and AI.

Zhao Weiwei said that the mission of AR is to integrate people, the real world and the virtual world. Using AR technology to create a more natural virtual-real combination effect in the scene is also the direction that Rokid has been striving for. Better integration of people, the real world, and the virtual world requires the support of various capabilities such as perception, understanding, collaboration, presentation, content production, and digital asset management, and to achieve these capabilities through software and hardware.

According to Zhao Weiqi, Rokid has built the YodaOS-XR® operating system around the capabilities of AR and AI. Rokid can provide users with chip-level capabilities, and can also provide mature solutions for various industries, achieving a wake-up rate of up to 99% through accurate speech recognition. In addition, it also provides complete hardware capabilities including ID, ME, supply chain and The world's leading optical waveguide technology, and the use of visual algorithms to help users understand and perceive the environment, so as to achieve the deep integration of AR and AI. "In addition, from the software level, we also provide multi-modal interaction, 3D operating system compatible with 2D ecology, feature-rich SDK and convenient development tools, and AR Store, a community and application publishing platform that supports global developers, partners and independent Developers can quickly and easily have these capabilities." Zhao Weiwei added.

Zhao Weiwei also said that the company has also developed Rokid Air, Rokid Air Pro and other products suitable for various scenarios, hoping to combine more scenes involved in the Metaverse through AR and AI capabilities, allowing users to be in the metaverse environment. Get a multimodal, diverse experience that opens the door to the metaverse and interacts with the future.

Application of Ultra-Low-Latency Transmission Network Architecture in Metaverse Scenarios

Chen Ce, an expert in streaming media technology from NetEase Yunxin, shared the application of the ultra-low latency transmission network architecture in the metaverse scenario. He said that interactive technology is one of the cores of the Metaverse, and the strong interaction of the Metaverse is based on the low-latency transmission and synchronization of data. The data that the Metaverse requires low-latency interaction includes control signaling, audio and video, and VR and AR bitmaps .

According to Chen Ce, the application of NetEase Cloud's Xinyuan Universe transmission architecture can be realized from four perspectives: edge access, large network transmission, low-profile hardware access, and data synchronization. Edge access solves the "first kilometer" problem through intelligent scheduling and weak network confrontation, so as to be close to users and connect the world; large network transmission (WE-CAN, Communications Acceleration Network) is realized by intelligent scheduling of various resources Improve the quality of data transmission and reduce the cost of data transmission, so as to solve the problem of the shortest path for cross-border transmission; low-end hardware access meets user needs through cloud rendering technology; make it fully synchronized.

Chen Ce said that NetEase has completed the implementation and practice of several projects in the field of Metaverse. For example: NetEase Fuxi remote sensing machinery can control mechanical operations through mobile phones; NetEase Fuxi Immersive Activity System (Yaotai) has created an online virtual event platform through the WE-CAN global transmission network and communication capabilities based on Yunxin; NetEase Yunxin virtual human solution The solution is accessed in the form of SDK, which can be used in various scenarios such as financial intelligent virtual customer service, Internet medical remote consultation, news virtual anchor, social entertainment virtual idol, intelligent virtual assistant, and e-commerce virtual live broadcast.

The quietly coming of the metaverse era marks another upgrade of human-computer interaction experience, and it is also the beginning of human beings to create a new interactive experience mode. 5G's high-speed, low-latency, and high-reliability information transmission characteristics will help to upgrade the human-computer interaction model; and the deep integration with VR/AR/MR virtual reality, holographic imaging and other technologies will help applications The richness and innovation of the scene, thus promoting the intelligent interaction to a new height.

The metaverse is the best proof of the progress of human-computer interaction technology, and it is also our beautiful yearning for the future virtual world. As Cui Kang, vice president and editor-in-chief of 51CTO and chief planner of the MetaCon Metaverse Technology Conference, pointed out that the era of the metaverse has come, I hope everyone can embrace the metaverse technology with the 20 million developers in the 51CTO community, and hope that the MetaCon Metaverse Technology Conference can It has become a milestone in the development of China's metaverse technology.