5G messaging takes a new step forward, commercialization expected to accelerate


Now with the advancement of technology, the commercialization of 5G messaging has opened a new horizon. On the carrier side, the 5G messaging trial commercialization is gradually launched and will be gradually landed, the terminal promotion and application ecology construction is accelerating, and the leading enterprises in the industry chain are also laying out in advance. In order to accelerate the development of the 5G messaging industry, the 5G Messaging Joint Laboratory, established by the China Academy of Information and Communication Research, China Association of Communication Enterprises, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, ZTE and Huawei, was officially inaugurated, and the laboratory maintains the principles of openness, neutrality and win-win situation. The lab will study the evaluation scheme of 5G messaging products, carry out evaluation work based on the evaluation scheme, and jointly develop and promote relevant regulations with other partners in the industry. At the "2021 China Value-added Telecom and Virtual Carrier Summit - 5G Messaging Summit" held recently, Miao Jianhua, President of China Communications Enterprises Association, said that 5G messaging is expected to be the first 5G application for public users. China Mobile 5G messaging network successfully completed innovation pilot Although China Mobile has not yet announced a commercial schedule for 5G messaging, it has announced in a low profile on December 31, 2021 that it has successfully completed the innovation pilot for its 5G messaging network. It is reported that CMCC 5G messaging private network has now completed two industry-specific customer-based private network templates: the private network of the Li Feng Hotel and the private network of the campus of South China Agricultural University. In addition, it also created a learning-based private network for young children, intended to create a closed network space for schools and parents to rest assured that the current convergence of learning-based private network applications such as Tencent Happy Mouse, Youdao boutique class, for the industry convergence of platform-based private network application scenarios to explore. Today, China Mobile's 5G messaging private network can be customized for any industry customer, making the opening of a private network as convenient as the opening of a business. Users can sign up for one private network, multiple private networks, or both private networks and large networks to meet ToB ToC needs. At the CMCC Global Partner Conference 2021, CMCC announced three innovative products: Super SIM Card, Mobile Authentication 2.0 and SMS Applet 2.0 to break through the coverage bottleneck encountered in 5G messaging development. To solve the problem of limited coverage of 5G messaging terminals, CMCC launched the "SMS applet" service, which allows users of non-5G messaging terminals to realize the same experience as 5G messaging terminals by "one more click", indirectly achieving full terminal coverage. The release of SMS applet 2.0 can be a complementary solution to 5G messaging to achieve full terminal coverage. China Telecom Commercial launch in January At the recently held "2021 China Value-added Telecom and Virtual Carrier Summit - Technology Innovation in 5G Converged Communication Trend", China Telecom revealed that it plans to promote 5G messaging commercialization in January and is currently in the process of finalizing the plan. Halfway through January, I wonder if China Telecom will be able to successfully launch the commercial service. China Unicom Commercial trial has been launched In November last year, China Unicom already started the trial commercialization. At the China Unicom Partner Conference 2021, China Unicom also announced the official establishment of the 5G Messaging Ecology Alliance. At the same time, China Unicom also announced five strategic cooperation plans for 5G messaging: 5G messaging terminal development plan, 5G messaging application promotion plan, 5G messaging user experience plan, 5G messaging green governance plan and 5G messaging ecological empowerment plan, and launched the 5G messaging Winter Olympics application. China Unicom said that 5G messaging is a key project in the company's grand application strategy. China Unicom has included 5G messaging as a key area of investment for the company, and the planned investment amount may exceed 1 billion yuan. 5G messaging is an important historical mission of 5G messaging as a new type of telecom service, and it is also the best path for vertical industries to realize 5G convergence at low cost and high speed. The standardization of the industry will be the focus of work in 2022, and the industry white papers such as "5G Message Service Display Specification", "Dual Card 5G Message Terminal Technology Specification", "5G Message Terminal and Network Compatibility Test Specification" and "Chatbot Name Specification" are planned to be launched in May 2022. The development of 5G messaging is the development of ecology, not the development of channel. The majority of manufacturers and partners should work together to build and share the 5G messaging ecology, promote the development of industry ecology through 5G messaging industry customer coverage, and contribute to the promotion of full coverage of 5G messaging application industry.