Global wisdom 6G research, collaborative innovation to help the industry's digital upgrade


Currently, the hottest thing is Metaverse. However, Professor Peng Mugen, executive director of the China Institute of Communications and executive dean of the School of Information and Communication Engineering of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, believes that no matter how popular Metaverse is, it needs 6G technology to support it. Professor Peng Mugen said that the two complement each other. The current virtual world cannot achieve deep immersion. In the future, 6G will allow users to be "immersive."

This is actually only one of the vision goals for the future development of 6G. At present, the most important task of the iterative update of mobile Internet technology is to empower the digital development of the industry.

The 6G network allows the Internet of Things to enter the intelligent connection

The 2021 Global 6G Technology Conference will be held in Nanjing. The conference will adopt a method of on-site discussion + remote interaction in multiple locations around the world, gathering 6G technology research strengths from various countries around the world, focusing on topics such as 6G application scenarios and requirements, 6G network architecture, 6G wireless transmission technology, and world-ground integration technology and on-demand services. Have an in-depth discussion. The Global 6G Technology Conference has become the first international conference with the most extensive coverage and the most comprehensive content in the 6G field. The industry generally believes that on the basis of 5G, 6G will further expand from serving people, people and things to supporting efficient interconnection of intelligent bodies, and will become a link between the real physical world and the virtual digital world. In addition, the "air and space network", or satellite communication technology, will enter civilian use and become an important part of the 6G network. In short, the future of 6G will not only continue to improve the quality of life of the people, but also promote the transformation and upgrading of social production methods; we will also truly enter the smart-connected society from the Internet of Things society.

Countries around the world have started 6G research

Although from a global perspective, there is still a long way to go before the popularization of 5G networks, the major countries and regions in the world have actually initiated 6G research. These countries and regions have accelerated the research and development of 6G innovative technologies by increasing capital investment in the deployment of scientific research projects and other measures. The European Union proposed a relatively clear planning roadmap, and completed the 6G industry-university-research framework project in the third quarter of 2020; Finland released the 6G white paper "Drives and Main Research Challenges for 6G Ubiquitous Wireless Intelligence", which reviewed the 6G vision and technology applications. Systematic outlook; The South Korean government puts forward the goal of "leading the commercialization of 6G" and plans to achieve the world's first commercial use of 6G in 2028; Japan publishes the B5G promotion strategic goal to complete 6G basic technology research in 2025 and commercialize it in 2030; the United States also starts from 2018 Started 6G research, and the preliminary research included research on 6G chips, and carried out research and practice on integrated air, space and Haiti communications, especially satellite Internet communications. my country also attaches great importance to the development of 6G. It is clearly stated in the "14th Five-Year Plan" outline that it is necessary to "forwardly deploy 6G network technology reserves". It has successively established a national 6G technology research and development promotion working group, an overall expert group, and an IMT2030 (6G) promotion group. The 6G work has been steadily promoted and positive progress has been made. In addition, according to the 48th "Statistical Report on China's Internet Development Status" released by the China Internet Network Information Center, my country has become the main source country for 6G patent applications. At present, the number of global patent applications in the field of 6G communication technology exceeds 38,000, of which patent applications in my country account for 35%, ranking first in the world.

6G empowers the transformation and upgrading of an intelligent society

Professor Peng Mugen said, “6G will bring more intelligent applications after commercialization, and the market scale will far exceed that of 5G, helping my country’s new infrastructure, digital industrialization, and industrial digitalization strategies to be implemented." Professor Qiao Jianyong, vice chairman of the Chinese Institute of Communications and President of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, believes that 6G is the inevitable evolution of 5G. It is necessary to establish a communication network with intelligent interconnection of humans, machines and objects, and efficient interoperability, to achieve integrated multi-dimensional data collaborative processing to improve perception accuracy These are the global commanding heights of future information and communication theories and technologies. Although the large-scale commercialization of 6G in the world is planned to be realized around 2030, in view of my country’s emphasis on 6G and technological innovation capabilities, 6G scale trials and typical The application demonstration may be carried out before the end of 2024 at the earliest. Overall, on the one hand, the 6G industry can provide users with a more immersive and extreme experience, meeting the needs of human communication at multiple sensory, emotional and conscious levels; on the other hand, it can be widely used in entertainment, life, medical and health. , Industrial production and other fields. This means that 6G will inherit the mantle of 5G, help further the digital transformation and upgrading of various industries in our country from a deep level, and meet the various application needs of the future intelligent society.