Your remaining data for this month is already insufficient...


When our Internet traffic reaches the package usage, we will receive SMS notifications, accompanied by the feeling of reduced Internet speed. In fact, this is an operating strategy of operators.

In the Internet age, many people have purchased large-scale data packages, so they can learn and entertain online anytime, anywhere. But when our Internet traffic reaches the package usage, we will receive SMS notifications, accompanied by the feeling of reduced Internet speed. In fact, this is an operating strategy of operators. Operators use FUP (Fair Usage Policy) to formulate monthly data packages. By limiting the user's traffic in a certain period, it will remind users in real time when the usage reaches the threshold, and reduce the access rate when the usage exceeds the limit, prevent a few users from occupying network resources excessively, guarantee the Internet experience of most users, and let more people Enjoy the Internet fairly.

RCP (Resource Control Platform) is the protagonist of the fair use strategy. Of course, if there is no supporting role, there can be no wonderful protagonist! Therefore, while introducing RCP, we can not leave PCEF (Policy and Charging Enforcement Function, billing and policy control implementation function). If RCP is compared to a policy decision maker, then PCEF is its "humeral minister"-the policy executor. As a resource control center, RCP and PCEF work together to complete user usage accumulation and policy control.

So how does RCP obtain user usage, and when does it remind users of insufficient traffic? RCP issues monitoring quotas to PCEF based on the amount of user packages and accumulated usage. When the user runs out of the monitoring quota, PCEF will report the user's consumption information to RCP. RCP performs usage accumulation. If it is found that the usage control threshold configured in the policy is exceeded during the accumulation process (for example, the control threshold is 70%, 80%, and 100% of the package amount), you can decide whether to reduce the user's access rate according to the accumulated value of these usages. And decide whether to notify the user by SMS. There are two ways to issue quotas: fixed value and balance. Fixed value method: RCP issues a fixed monitoring quota every time. Balance method: Calculate the monitoring quota based on the actual usage value and the usage control threshold. In the balance mode, RCP can accurately control the issuance of monitoring quotas, so that the accumulated usage can accurately reach the usage control threshold conditions at all levels. In actual usage scenarios, more monitoring quotas are obtained by combining fixed value and balance. The system compares the monitoring quota calculated by the balance method with the fixed value, and takes the smaller value as the issued monitoring quota.

Some people say that there is insufficient data flow? It does not exist! My monthly package data is enough, how will the remaining data flow at the end of the month be handled? Ho, please continue to look down~~ The remaining usage of the package purchased by the user in the previous billing period shall be transferred to the next billing period for continued use according to certain principles. This part of the remaining amount transferred to the next billing period is called the rollover quota that can be used in the next billing period. According to different operating strategies of operators, RCP can provide flexible return algorithms and quota usage. There are two common return modes: Proportionally return the remaining usage during the previous billing period: for example, 100% of the remaining data of the previous month’s package will be refunded every month. Use a fixed value to return usage: For example, a fixed monthly package will return 1GB of data per month.

At the same time, in each billing period, the package also has a fixed quota, that is, the monthly package amount that the user signs up. RCP can specify the fixed quota of the priority use package, or the rollover quota of the priority use package. Preferential use of the rollover quota of the package: Only after the rollover quota of the package is used, can the fixed quota of the package be used. Priority use of the fixed quota of the package: Only after the fixed quota of the package is used, the rollover quota of the package can be used.

t this point, the editor silently turned on the phone and checked the balance of his package. The balance of the billing period was 100% returned, and the rollover quota for the priority use package was refunded. So, which rebate mode does your package use? Which usage principle? Implementing a fair use strategy to prevent a few users from over-occupying network resources and guaranteeing the Internet experience of most users is indispensable for RCP. Seeing this, have you found the answer to the opening question? Do you have a better understanding of the traffic that accompanies you day and night?