Education takes off, 5G smart pilotage


Education is the foundation of a nation, and 5G networks are the cornerstone of smart education. Promote the in-depth integration of a new generation of information and communication technology with the education industry, and the information and communication industry frequently makes "big moves".

Education is the foundation of a nation, and 5G networks are the cornerstone of smart education. Promote the in-depth integration of a new generation of information and communication technology with the education industry, and the information and communication industry frequently makes "big moves". In September this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the Application of "5G﹢Smart Education" Application Pilot Project Application" to help the high-quality development of education; "Notice on Network Management and Service Quality" promotes the in-depth application of 5G technology in campuses, accelerates the deployment and optimization of 5G networks, and encourages colleges and universities to integrate 5G and other new technologies with education and teaching. Basic telecom operators have leveraged their advantages in information empowerment and created a large number of smart applications represented by distance education and interactive classrooms. Today, the "troika" of digitization, networking, and intelligence has driven the education industry to start a new journey of digital intelligence.

5G breaks through the limitations of traditional teaching and plugs wisdom wings into the classroom

Since the full commercial use of 5G, a new generation of information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and virtual reality have been comprehensively used, which has brought great changes to education and added "wisdom" wings to the classroom. "I saw a monkey!" a primary school student said excitedly in an English class. This is a scene that took place in an English class in Guangzhou Shamian Primary School. When the teacher talked about "monkey", the students saw a lively monkey through the MR glasses they wore. This English class is also connected to Bijie, Guizhou, which is thousands of miles apart, so that students from the two places have the same class. At present, the development of 5G has entered the "fast lane". As artificial intelligence, virtual reality and other technologies enter campuses, traditional classrooms are constantly transforming into smart classrooms. More and more teaching scenarios are integrated with the achievements of digital technology and enriched by teachers. The teaching methods presented to students are full of fun and technology in the immersive teaching process. In the 5G holographic classroom in Boao Town, Hainan, Mr. Tan, a physics teacher at Wenchang Middle School, explained aerospace knowledge remotely through 5G holographic projection. He is like being in a classroom in Boao Town. In addition to face-to-face explanations, he also "changes" realistic model props from time to time, and conducts analysis in the air... The 5G holographic projection used by Mr. Tan is a new product created by China Unicom. A generation of remote interactive teaching system. Based on the characteristics of 5G, China Unicom integrates the latest holographic projection technology to enrich the visual presentation effect, making traditional remote interactive teaching more "real person face-to-face" realism, making all kinds of presentation screens and model props more three-dimensional and vivid, bringing them to the teacher Students have a refreshing sense of technology and immersive classroom experience. As a key national basic network operator and the main force in the construction of Digital China, China Mobile is also actively exploring the application and innovation of 5G﹢smart education. In Hangzhou Times Primary School, the 5G﹢VR classroom created by China Mobile can realize the learning of scientific experiments and other courses. Students can enjoy knowledge tour in the virtual reality world and enjoy the immersive learning experience; relying on China Mobile’s 5G﹢AI technology in Guangzhou In the large Chinese class of Tiyudonglu Primary School, students record videos on the AI ​​interactive learning platform, and after submitting the videos, they can generate comments through AI analysis; the "5G Wisdom Cloud Exam Center" remote test product innovatively created by China Mobile is integrated with 5G Network and cloud technology capabilities, using the new "online-offline" integrated test model, to achieve efficient and convenient remote test.

5G﹢remote live broadcast breaks geographical restrictions and realizes the sharing of educational resources; 5G﹢MR multi-person collaborative teaching has achieved learning effects that span the virtual and real space...The smart classroom with full of science and technology has derived a diversified new education model. Make education more digital, networked, intelligent and multimedia. With the continuous enrichment of smart classroom forms, it not only breaks the limitations of the traditional teaching model, but also truly sinks education and teaching, realizing student-centered, giving students more space for independent learning, and turning the classroom into a gathering and visualization. , Scenario, Immersive, Interactive "Wisdom Feast"

5G breaks the barriers for students in mountainous areas to study and uses technology to help balance education
During the epidemic, distance education has become an indispensable way of teaching. However, in remote rural areas, due to the poor local network infrastructure and lack of "Qualcomm" conditions, students lack a high-speed and stable network environment, and it is difficult to get a high-quality remote teaching experience. Teachers lack reliable broadband access, which directly affects teaching. quality. "Information barriers" have widened the gap between rural education and urban education. This digital divide urgently needs effective solutions. The mission of 5G is to solve these problems from the root cause. With 5G, high-quality educational resources can go directly to schools in remote areas. The smooth 5G transmission speed allows teachers and students to achieve instant interaction and enhance teaching effects. 5G remote classrooms also relieve the pressure of insufficient teachers' resources to a certain extent. Through remote training of rural teachers, 5G technology is used to empower the construction of rural teachers, and technology is used to promote education balance, so that children in the mountains can also enjoy modern education. In order to narrow the digital divide and accelerate the pace of rural network construction, the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Information and Communication Industry" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently proposed to implement a new round of universal service projects for telecommunications and increase coverage in rural areas, old revolutionary base areas, and ethnic minority areas. , Frontier regions, poverty alleviation areas, especially the national rural revitalization key assistance counties to support the upgrading of broadband networks, and achieve the 5G access rate of administrative villages to 80% by 2025. With the continuous improvement of network coverage, how to use the advantages of 5G to promote the balance of urban and rural education and improve the level of rural education informatization? Many universities have explored a set of replicable and extendable solutions through independent innovation. College students have always been an important force in the development of science popularization, but due to the remoteness and academic performance, they can only conduct short-term teaching, and cannot achieve normalized, high-frequency science education, and the effect is greatly reduced. In response to this pain point, Northwestern Polytechnical University has launched a "5G-distance education support" education precision poverty alleviation practice activity, through the Internet remote teaching to the school’s designated poverty alleviation areas and support education areas for multiple remote science popularization of different topics, and the teaching content is as far away as remote mountainous areas. The effective combination of the individual needs of the children of the school allows the school’s knowledge and intellectual resources to be more efficiently connected with the poor mountainous areas. At the same time, use the characteristics of 5G communication technology to share high-quality teaching resources across the country to send knowledge to more children in the mountains. Southeast University’s "Science Bridge on the Cloud" support teaching activity aims to broaden scientific horizons, cultivate scientific interest, and improve scientific literacy for students in the central and western regions. It will open interactive science classrooms through a combination of online and offline teaching methods, and set up the "Cloud on Science and Technology University". Lecture Hall” regularly invites professors and teachers from various colleges to give online science lectures for students. In addition to the theme lectures and science classrooms, the school also created a cloud parallel space. Through the VR high-definition video interactive technology in the 5G scene, the students in the support teaching area can experience a 360-degree immersive tour of Dongda from a first-person perspective, using a "science bridge" Connect the mountains and dreams. The interconnection of 5G technology not only breaks the spatial barriers of rural education, but also allows high-quality educational resources to be shared and radiated to a wider area, allowing the dream of educational balance to further shine into reality. Combining 5G﹢AI, 5G﹢VR, 5G holographic projection and other technologies and courses, the educational experience of entertaining and teaching not only shortens the distance with rural students, but also helps to enhance classroom integration and inspire them The enthusiasm for studying has made Dashan no longer obstruct the dream of studying. This is exactly the meaning of 5G empowering rural education.

5G builds a strong campus security line of defense, uses technology to protect teachers and students

5G enters the campus, and the application of information technology has greatly enriched teaching methods and made learning easy and fun; distance education has promoted the even distribution of educational resources, so that children in mountainous areas can also be in the classroom of famous teachers. In terms of campus security, the security problems that have long plagued school teachers, students, and parents have also been resolved with the advent of 5G. Among the dazzling array of campus security applications, the performance of 5G and AI is most worth looking forward to. With the help of the security architecture of 5G﹢MEC (edge ​​computing)﹢AI, after basic processing in the edge cloud, videos and data from various areas of the campus will help AI to conduct deep learning and make analysis capabilities smarter and more accurate. The aggregated security data can further help schools determine the flow of people and high-risk areas on campus, and develop a more scientific security defense plan. The application of AI technology can relieve the pressure of patrols on campus to a large extent, and put more manpower into incident handling and daily management. At present, the early warning behaviors that AI technology can achieve include: chasing and playing, breaking into, fence detection, leaving the post, staying suspiciously, gathering crowds, and screen occlusion. For offices, financial rooms, rooftops, computer rooms/weak current wells, canteen kitchens, fences, lake/river guardrails, corridors, corridors, building perimeters, remote corners and other areas with frequent safety incidents, 5G﹢AI can perform abnormal behaviors all day and all hours Automatic identification and early warning. For example, the 5G﹢smart campus entry and exit solution created by China Mobile and Shandong Weir Data has realized the linkage with the public security. The smart face recognition terminal performs real-time monitoring of strangers wandering at the school gate, and compares the dangerous personnel of the public security system. The information database of fugitives will push the monitoring results to the safety management office of the school and the Education Commission in real time, and at the same time send early warnings to the public security system platform to provide multiple guarantees for campus safety management. At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is still severe, and 5G wisdom applications weave an invisible protective net between students and viruses. At the Shanghai Urban Science and Technology School, China Unicom's face access control temperature measurement system performed epidemic prevention and control temperature measurement in student dormitories, and students entered and exited twice a day with automatic temperature measurement statistics. In the High School Attached to Jiangxi Normal University, China Unicom deployed a "5G﹢AI infrared temperature measurement﹢mask recognition" smart access control system. Even wearing masks and goggles, it can quickly and accurately identify personnel in just one second. There will also be no crowded lines. Popularizing safety knowledge and improving students' safety awareness is an important part of building a safe campus. In Sichuan, China Telecom used its "magic mirror and smart eye" capability to provide comprehensive services for the campus security emergency command of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education, accessing 27,000 video sources, covering 21 cities and prefectures, serving 2,750 schools, and an audience of 1.3 million students . On May 12 this year, Wenchuan County No. 1 Primary School staged an emergency drill for earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction. After a real simulation of the sudden earthquake near Weizhou Town in Wenchuan County, Wenchuan County No. 1 Primary School responded to risk research and judgment, early warning issuance, emergency response and comments to improve the ability of teachers and students to resist and respond to emergencies. In this emergency drill for earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction, the Magic Mirror platform played a function of commanding evacuation. The 5G network with wide connections, low latency, and large bandwidth has greatly improved the level of information infrastructure in the education industry. Campus security management has achieved a leap from human defense to technical defense. A new generation of information represented by 5G, AI, and big data Communication technology is entering more and more campuses, making teachers more at ease, parents more at ease, and students more at ease.

Hundred-year-old 5G education has a long way to go

Although 5G brings many benefits, it will take some time to fully enjoy these benefits. 5G will change the way of education in the next ten years. The key is for practitioners in the education industry to realize that 5G is not a "one size fits all" solution. In choosing to use 5G for appropriate purposes, the education industry should carefully consider and act cautiously. The application scenario and purpose of use must be the primary considerations so that students can benefit from 5G technology to the maximum. It is necessary to understand how 5G technology works in a specific environment, but also to use this technology under the premise of meeting the needs of students. For example, students may not need to use 5G in the process of playing a pre-recorded lecture video that does not require high-definition video. And 5G is best used to simulate an immersive learning environment where students scattered across the country collaborate with each other. In addition, educators who teach tactile and skill courses can also take advantage of the widely available virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) functions under the 5G background. For some educators, the importance of such functions may be less than the necessity of connecting hundreds of students in real time. In this case, 5G can be used to simplify and seamless this virtual encounter. More importantly, we must strive to ensure that students have digital skills so that they can use and benefit from 5G-enabled educational services. Prior to this, the increase in the types and number of communication tools opened the door to data leakage: as more tools are connected to the 5G communication network, the probability of these tools being hacked will increase. Security is always the first priority and should be carefully considered. In addition, according to the "5G﹢Smart Education Typical Application Scenarios White Paper" released by China Unicom in 2019, the current four typical application scenarios of 5G﹢smart education are: 5G﹢virtual reality education, 5G﹢remote interactive teaching, 5G﹢artificial intelligence Education and 5G﹢Smart Campus Management. It must be recognized that the above application scenarios are still in the stage of practical exploration, and the technical advantages of 5G cannot be fully utilized to meet the diverse application scenarios needs of teachers and students. Because online teaching is separated from the spatial connection, the emotional communication barriers between teachers and students will also affect the quality of teaching. In a traditional classroom, the teacher standing on the stage has a comprehensive control of the classroom, and the communication with the students is real-time and direct. But when the classroom is moved online, the original direct contact will be cut off. The classroom has become a dry knowledge sharing, but the emotional connection between people has really weakened. There is a shortage of professionals who integrate 5G technology into teaching. At present, the country is accelerating the promotion of the 5G strategy, the 5G industry is gaining momentum, and the acceleration of 5G applications has highlighted the shortage of 5G professionals. Among them, the skills training for teachers in elementary and middle schools is the most prominent. As the main place to implement compulsory education, primary and secondary schools not only have a large number and a wide range, but also cover the largest number of students. The acceptance of new technologies in elementary and middle schools will directly affect the effects of future high schools and colleges. The influence of teachers is the most critical, and it is also extremely important for teacher training.