Put it on the list! Ruishu Information Won the Grand Prize of "2021 Cyber ​​Security Outstanding Innovation Achievement Competition"


With the successive implementation of the "Cyber ​​Security Law", "Data Security Law", "Personal Data Security Law" and other laws, the development pace of the digital era of Swiss Data Data has built a lot of security product matrix information. Information has also launched a new data security product from before to after.

After going through the Nanjing sub-station in August and the semi-finals of Beijing in September, under the guidance of the Cybersecurity Coordination Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the "2021 Cyber ​​Security Outstanding Innovation Achievement Competition" hosted by the China Cyber ​​Security Industry Alliance (CCIA) It officially ushered in the anticipated finals in Xi'an on October 10, and an award ceremony was held at the Cyber ​​Security Industry Development Forum on October 11. Ruishu's dynamic security hyper-converged solution successfully won the third prize of the "2021 Cyber ​​Security Outstanding Innovation Achievement Competition"!

As the most industry-focused activity during the "2021 National Cyber ​​Security Promotion Week", the competition received positive responses and participation from cyber security companies. More than 110 cyber security companies across the country submitted more than 200 solutions and innovative products to the competition. In the end, 10 solutions and 10 innovative products entered the finals of the competition. A jury composed of 10 review experts and 50 audience judges from cybersecurity authorities, investment and financing institutions, colleges and universities, and scientific research institutions passed on-site voting to judge the final list of winners.

                                    The defense scene of Ruishu Information Finals

                                            The scene of the award ceremony


Application security integrated management and protection to guard the lifeline of network security

Nowadays, more and more financial institutions and large enterprises use Web, H5, App, WeChat/Mini Programs and other channels in core business, portal websites, trading platforms and other nodes. At the same time, the business built on the basis of API is gradually increasing. As an important part of the digital transformation of enterprises, the exposure risks brought by open APIs cannot be ignored. These digital interfaces carry a large number of key data such as customer information, business and transaction data, and authentication information, and often face security threats such as interface ultra vires and information ultra vires. Illegal attackers not only use Web application vulnerabilities to attack, but also the impact of various anthropomorphic automated attacks, API business attacks, and 0day attacks on the digital business of enterprises is also rising rapidly.


In this regard, Ruishu Information proposes a dynamic security hyper-convergence solution. From the perspective of enterprise business security, it realizes the “triad” security protection strategy of omni-channel access protection, cross-channel data fusion analysis, and construction of application security standards. Ruishu's dynamic security hyper-converged solution can be called a "all-rounder" in the security field, including intelligent WAF defense capabilities, Bots management and defense capabilities, application layer DDoS protection capabilities, API management and security protection capabilities, security visualization, unified security management, etc. Dimensional security capabilities are integrated into a comprehensive protection program.

With dynamic security and AI intelligent engine as the core technology pillars, Ruishu's dynamic security hyper-converged solution can solve the diversified attack threats faced by the hybrid architecture of Web, App and API applications in the process of enterprise digital customer acquisition, and integrate local and cloud business data , To build a unified application security standard, so as to form a closed loop of security risks before, during and after the event, eliminate the "security island" problem in the construction of user information security system, and realize integrated protection and management of application security.


The wind rises at the end of Qingping, and the waves become between the waves. Based on the "dynamic engine + AI engine" dual-engine model, Ruishu Information resolves network security risks to the invisible. In the 2021 offensive and defensive exercise, more than 90 zero-day vulnerabilities were disclosed, 80 of which were related to the Web, and all of these vulnerabilities were intercepted by Swiss Data in real time. The birth of the dual-engine model is a milestone in the field of network security. It transforms corporate network security from passive response to active defense, and promotes the in-depth development of network security with a more forward-looking security concept.


Keep up with the pace of the digital age and strengthen protection against emerging security threats

It is worth mentioning that the dynamic security hyper-converged platform based on this solution currently provides comprehensive security services for the financial industry. In practical applications, Ruishu's dynamic security hyper-converged platform helps corporate customers to effectively intercept various CC attacks and automated attack behaviors, and through the ability to protect against unknown attacks, to protect business systems from zero-day vulnerability attacks, and to provide security for operation and maintenance. Sufficient time was given to repair the vulnerabilities, and the related front-line departments were also provided with automated tool interception, security alarms, data output, and handling suggestions to achieve unified security threat protection and analysis.


With the successive implementation of the "Network Security Law", "Data Security Law", "Personal Information Protection Law" and other laws, Ruishu Information follows the development of the digital age and builds a multi-dimensional security product matrix. In addition to horizontally expanding application scenarios, Ruishu Information has also launched a new data security product from before to after. The product includes functions such as ransomware detection and rapid recovery, real-time threat verification and intelligent detection, replication data management, and disaster recovery backup. It not only conforms to the high incidence of global ransomware attacks, but also gives enterprises the ability to effectively counter hacker ransomware.


Today, Ruishu Information's users have covered many industries and fields such as government, finance, telecommunications, medical care, education, electric power and the Internet, including the State Council, National Information Center, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, Bank of Communications, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. Credit card centers, State Grid, Capital Airport and many other state-level government agencies and key infrastructure companies.


In the future, Ruishu Information will be more deeply rooted in the field of network security technology, continue to increase technology research and development and product innovation, with a product matrix with more complete functions, more intelligent interactions, and wider coverage, not only to build a digital era-oriented product matrix for corporate customers The new generation of active defense security system has contributed to the vigorous development of China's network security industry.