How 5G will shape the future of the construction industry

5G is a promoter that provides new capabilities and opportunities for companies in all walks of life. James Bristow, senior vice president of Cradlepoint Europe, Middle East and Africa region, introduced us to how 5G can power the construction sites of the future and discussed how the visionary company Taylor Construction launched the first actual deployment of 5G connectivity.
From real-time 3D modeling to GPS tracking equipment and tools, construction sites are often hotbeds of the latest cutting-edge technology. On the other hand, getting devices to communicate with each other can be a challenge. After all, it is difficult to plug a laptop into the wall before the wall has been built.
This provides a clear use case for wireless as the main method of network connection in the industry. Facts have proved that this field is as transformative as the physical devices it connects to. From the gigabit speed on LTE to the millisecond delay of 5G, the powerful features of wireless wide area network (WWAN) enable sites to achieve Ethernet-like connection quality without laying a cable.