​Five-year action plan for new infrastructure in the field of transportation released


Five-year action plan for new infrastructure in the field of transportation released

The importance of transportation to a country is self-evident. It is not only an important link between cities, but also a key channel for the flow of people and logistics in cities.

As one of the main driving forces of urban development, transportation has no decisive influence and effect on the flow of production factors, the development of the urban system and the development of the national economy.

 In view of this, since the establishment of our country, we have always attached importance to the development of transportation. By increasing transportation investment and promoting transportation construction, it has now grown into an important transportation country. But so far, my country is still not a strong country in transportation! Because my country's transportation network coverage is not perfect, the transportation efficiency has not met the demand, and various transportation problems are emerging in an endless stream.


In this context, in 2019, my country issued the "Outline for Building a Powerful Transportation Country", emphasizing the need to move from a major transportation country to a powerful country. With the introduction of a new infrastructure strategy, the construction of new infrastructure in the transportation sector is also on the agenda. On September 24, the "Action Plan for the Construction of New Infrastructure in the Transportation Field (2021-2025)" was released, drawing a blueprint for the high-quality development of transportation for us in the next five years.

The "Plan" puts forward that the overall goal of the construction action is to build a batch of key transportation infrastructure projects by 2025, form a batch of application scenarios that can be replicated, formulate and revise a batch of technical standards and specifications, and promote transportation infrastructure networks and transportation services. The integrated development of the Internet, the information network, and the energy network has significantly enhanced the capabilities of precise perception, precise analysis, fine management, and meticulous service. In-depth application of intelligent management, comprehensive coverage of integrated services, and effective improvement of transportation infrastructure operation efficiency, safety level and service quality.


In order to achieve this goal, the main tasks include seven aspects:


One is to carry out smart road construction activities. Promote the rapid development of highway perception networks, improve the full-element and full-cycle digitization of highway infrastructure, and improve the level of intelligent highway management; promote the accurate push of traffic emergency information and accompanying travel services, promote the application of highway electronic ETC systems, and enhance highway intelligence Level of service.

The second is to carry out smart waterway construction activities. Improve the high-level waterway surveying and mapping facilities of inland rivers, enhance the ability to guarantee the operation of the waterway; integrate the data resources of waterway, maritime affairs, and water transportation, improve the efficiency of emergency response of the waterway, and enhance the ability of coordinated monitoring of the waterway; carry out the digital transformation of traditional waterway facilities and the application of virtual navigation aids. Improve the comprehensive service capacity of the channel.


The third is to carry out smart port construction activities. Accelerate the construction and transformation of new terminals and storage yards, strengthen the remote autonomous control and transformation of facilities, recommend the deep integration of terminal operating systems and equipment control systems, and promote the automation of terminal operation equipment; promote the interconnection and sharing of information among all parties in the port, build a smart port logistics service platform, and improve Logistics facilitation and business efficiency.


The fourth is to carry out the construction of smart hubs. Improve facilities such as intelligent interline navigation, ticketing services, sign guidance, and comprehensive three-dimensional transfers, promote the application of on-board portable security inspection equipment, promote the wide application of electronic tickets, and promote the intelligent construction of integrated passenger transportation hubs; promote intelligent security inspection, loading and unloading, and picking equipment , Build intelligent storage facilities and promote the intelligent construction of freight hubs.

The fifth is to carry out traffic information infrastructure construction activities. Promote the construction of a comprehensive transportation big data center system, build a comprehensive transportation data brain, and build a strong integrated transportation information platform; assist in the construction of communication and information infrastructure, and carry out the integrated application of 5G and other technologies in important transportation infrastructure; deepen the application of the Beidou navigation system; Strengthen network security protection.


The sixth is to carry out transportation innovation infrastructure construction actions. Organize the implementation of major scientific and technological projects, accelerate the construction of a scientific observation network for the long-term performance of transportation infrastructure, implement key core technologies such as the digitalization of transportation infrastructure, and carry out intelligent transportation pilot applications such as autonomous driving; strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and strengthen new energy, AI, etc. Layout of key scientific research platforms.


The seventh is to carry out actions to improve standards and specifications. Improve the framework of the new infrastructure standard specification system, accelerate the research and formulation of key and basic national and industry standards, and improve standards and specifications such as communication networks, Beidou systems, and data fusion; encourage all parties to promote the establishment of a foundation for autonomous driving, automated terminals, and unmanned distribution Facility standards are standardized, and a number of local, group, and corporate standards have been formed.

In addition, the "Plan" also emphasizes that it is necessary to strengthen the three aspects of organization and implementation, diversified investment, and innovation promotion. The release and implementation of the "Plan" will promote the rapid construction of my country's new transportation infrastructure and promote the development of my country's transportation to high-quality and smart. Full-scale progress.