ARC Consulting: 5G Helps Industrial Internet of Things Unleash the Potential in Manufacturing


The fourth industrial revolution will usher in smart factories. In these future factories, connected devices will be able to perceive their environment and operate with each other to make decentralized decisions. Industry insiders predict that this transformation will mainly rely on the capabilities of 5G networks.

In recent years, the continuous expansion of 5G network coverage has had a huge impact on many fields, including the manufacturing industry.


The fourth industrial revolution will usher in smart factories. In these future factories, connected devices will be able to perceive their environment and operate with each other to make decentralized decisions. Industry insiders predict that this transformation will mainly rely on the capabilities of 5G networks.

The 5G network provides the possibility for manufacturers to build smart factories and truly utilize technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, fault diagnosis, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things. The low latency, high reliability, and high speed of 5G networks are essential for supporting emerging technologies such as process automation, remote monitoring, and collaborative robots and their new applications in this field.


5G will also provide greater flexibility, lower costs, and shorten the lead time for factory floor reconfiguration, layout changes and reconstructions, which will lead to significant improvements in production.


According to technology research company ARC Consulting Group, 5G will play a key role to fully release the potential of the Industrial Internet of Things in the manufacturing sector.


"The core requirement of the Industrial Internet of Things is to be able to connect sensors, devices, equipment, software applications, manufacturing processes, workers, and end consumers. Connectivity means seamless vertical and horizontal integration of all layers of the automation pyramid. By optimizing data, Information and analysis provide opportunities to improve operational efficiency from the factory floor to the supply chain. The key elements that promote the development of the Industrial Internet of Things are improved connectivity, availability, low latency, flexibility and speed. 5G will help industrial users achieve "Industrial Internet of Things plays a key role in the goals," ARC  Consulting Group added.