Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: my country has built a total of 792,000 5G base stations


Liu Yulin said that General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of 5G and has issued important instructions on many occasions, pointing out that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks, actively enrich 5G basic application scenarios, focus on new growth points, and form new development momentum. . The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, resolutely implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, gave full play to the role of industry authorities, and achieved positive results in solidly advancing the development of new infrastructure such as 5G.

From the perspective of network construction, 5G network coverage and user scale have increased significantly. In the past year or so since 5G has been commercialized, operating companies have worked hard to overcome the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, accelerate the construction of 5G networks, and have initially built the world's largest 5G mobile network. As of the end of February 2021, a total of 792,000 5G base stations have been built. 5G networks in independent networking mode have covered all prefecture-level cities, and the number of 5G terminal connections has reached 260 million, laying a solid foundation for the promotion of 5G applications.

From the perspective of converged applications, the effect of 5G empowerment industry is gradually emerging. Local governments have increased their support, and the industry has actively explored and innovated to form a joint force. The 5G application model of some key industries has become increasingly clear, showing the development trend of the consumer market and the vertical industry market. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized three consecutive "Bloom Cup" 5G application solicitation contests, which stimulated the innovative vitality of all sectors of the industry, collected more than 8,000 featured application cases, and explored a batch of 5G typical applications in the fields of industry, medical care, transportation, education, etc. . Especially during the new crown pneumonia epidemic, 5G has brought scientific and technological means for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production, and has played an important role in the fields of telemedicine, public monitoring, smart education, telecommuting, and inspection logistics.

As we all know, the continuous advancement of 5G applications will greatly change the production and life of human beings.

First, in the field of personal consumption, 5G will continue to enrich personal experience. At this year’s Spring Festival Gala, 5G +8K Ultra HD live broadcast brought a brand new visual experience to everyone. In the future, 5G will be more widely used in cultural tourism consumption, stadiums and other scenes, such as 5G AR/VR virtual digital museums, Watching games from a free perspective, etc., I believe that 5G will bring a different immersive experience during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Second, in the field of vertical industries, with the gradual penetration of 5G applications, 5G will significantly improve the production efficiency of traditional industries. In the fields of energy, mining, ports, etc., 5G will help realize unmanned and fewer people in engineering operations, and will effectively promote enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Third, in the field of people’s livelihood, the application of 5G in health care, urban governance and other scenarios, such as ambulances that "get on the bus and be admitted to the hospital", and the "butler-style" community security system, will further enhance social governance capabilities and improve people's livelihood services Level.

However, Liu Yulin also pointed out that 5G applications are still in its infancy and need to continue to explore in depth. The industry must maintain its strength and leave patience and space for the development of 5G applications. In the next step, we must give full play to the role of market players, bring together operators, equipment manufacturers, solution service providers, Internet companies, vertical industry applications and other industries from all walks of life to form a "team competition" model to jointly promote 5G application innovation. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also further increase its work, strengthen policy guidance, optimize the innovation environment, promote the in-depth integration of 5G and various economic and social fields, and cultivate new drivers of high-quality economic development in my country.

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