What conditions are needed for the “5G+Industrial Internet” to move toward a large-scale landing?


With the increasing maturity of technologies such as connectivity, computing, cloud, and AI, ICT has become a link between industrial terminals and industrial applications, and has promoted the industrial Internet to become a reality. Among them, 5G is undoubtedly one of the most critical technologies. "


Nowadays, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reforms are deeply advancing on a global scale, and information technology is changing with each passing day. In this process, the integration of 5G and industrial Internet will accelerate the construction of digital China and a smart society, accelerate the process of China’s new industrialization, and inject China’s economic development. New kinetic energy. Based on this, the development of "5G+Industrial Internet" has become a key focus of the industry.



my country's "14th Five-Year Plan" clearly stated in accelerating the construction of new infrastructures that it is necessary to accelerate the large-scale deployment of 5G networks and actively and steadily develop the industrial Internet. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Action Plan 2021-2023" to accelerate the integration and development of 5G and industrial Internet. All parties in government, industry, university, research and users are also working together to create a new pattern of 5G processing industrial Internet development.


Under the country's strong policy guidance and the active efforts of the industry, China has taken the lead in 5G. The number of 5G base stations has reached 993,000, accounting for 70% of the world, and the number of 5G connections is 392 million, accounting for 80% of the world. At present, Chinese operators have carried out more than 6,000 5G innovation projects. By the end of 2021, 5G-related projects will reach more than 20 billion. Compared with the exploration of 5G in other industries, the 5G industrial Internet has gradually moved from an innovation pilot to a large-scale development.


It is reported that with the joint efforts of all parties in the industry, nearly 1,600 projects of "5G + Industrial Internet" have been built, covering more than 20 key industries and fields of the national economy, and will play a role in the transformation and upgrading of the real economy to digital, networked, and intelligent Played an important role.


There are still challenges to widespread implementation

With the increasing maturity of technologies such as connectivity, computing, cloud, and AI, ICT has become a link between industrial terminals and industrial applications, and has promoted the industrial Internet to become a reality. Among them, 5G is undoubtedly one of the most critical technologies. "The characteristics of 5G include the three major characteristics of large bandwidth, low latency and wide coverage, which can effectively solve the connection problems of poor mobility, insufficient coverage, and insufficient real-time performance in industrial Internet application scenarios." Huawei vice president, Huawei ICT product portfolio Ma Haixu, President of Management and Solutions, said.


Therefore, “5G+Industrial Internet” is the most active area of ​​industrial Internet innovation and development. All sectors of the industry are enthusiastic about exploring 5G+Industrial Internet applications. The basic telecommunications industry, industrial enterprises, and solution providers are actively cooperating. Scenario applications such as on-site monitoring of production and intelligent logistics in the factory are extended to various links such as product collaborative R&D and design, remote equipment control and so on.


In this regard, Li Guangju, president of China Unicom Digital Technology Co., Ltd., pointed out that although the prospect of "5G + Industrial Internet" is optimistic, it is still necessary to face up to the difficulties faced by the wider implementation of 5G in the industrial field. "The application of 5G in the public market is very different from the application in the industrial market. Various applications in the public market have relatively strong homogeneity, and it is easy to switch between the use of new technologies. In the industrial field, different companies The scenarios supported by 5G vary greatly. The use of new technologies requires a long program design, technical verification, and actual testing before they can be promoted on a large scale."


Cui Li, chief development officer of ZTE, also said that when many application innovations are deeply integrated with scenarios and services, fragmentation will be very serious. "5G+Industrial Internet, the core is to focus on value, the digital base "responds to all changes with the same", and application innovation "looks for the same from all changes", effectively finding a balance between fragmented applications and large-scale economic benefits, using "agile innovation "And "rapid iteration" embrace the future of digital intelligence."


In addition to the above-mentioned challenges, security issues are also an issue that must be addressed in the development of "5G + Industrial Internet". “In the past development of IT systems and the Internet, network security has been relatively lagging behind, leading to many limitations in security protection. However, whether it is at the policy level, or planning and construction, security elements have been integrated into the industrial Internet, but security issues have not been Relax." said Wang Tao, senior technical director of the Industrial Internet Security Division of Qi'anxin Group.


Although the “5G+Industrial Internet” still has these practical problems, with national policies, technological progress and the continuous vigorous promotion of the industry, the 5G Industrial Internet is moving towards an inflection point of scale growth. Yu Xiaohui of the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology has publicly stated that it is expected that the Industrial Internet will enter a stage of rapid development next year. After three years of rapid growth, the Industrial Internet will achieve scale growth in 2024.


Four elements of scale development

In Ma Haixu's view, the scale development of 5G industrial Internet requires four key elements:


l  One is to enter the production system to solve the rigid needs of the business. Specifically, from the perspective of industry practice, reducing costs, improving efficiency, improving quality and safe production are the rigid needs of enterprises. Ma Haixu, for example, said that in Hunan, Huawei and Xiangtan Iron & Steel have realized 5G+ remote crane control, and workers can transport scrap steel to designated areas for remanufacturing in an air-conditioned room. In Shanxi, Huawei and Pangpangta jointly created a 5G smart mine solution to realize unmanned inspection and remote control of fully mechanized mining face in a 534-meter-deep mine, reducing the number of fully mechanized mining face by 60%. "5G Industrial Internet solves the key problems of the industrial production system, so it has been promoted and developed on a large scale in the industry."


l  The second is the overall planning, construction, maintenance and optimization to realize flexible manufacturing. Flexible manufacturing is an important prerequisite for meeting personalized customization. It requires flexible adjustment of production lines and rapid model change. This requires 5G networks to have the capabilities of integrated network construction, flexible adjustment of network slicing, and visual self-monitoring. For example, Huawei has created a series of automation tools covering planning, construction and maintenance, making 5GtoB network construction out of the traditional way of others, greatly improving work efficiency and providing a strong guarantee for flexible manufacturing.


l  The third is to formulate industry standard documents and quickly replicate them on a large scale. 5G industrial Internet solutions have fragmentation and customization issues. Huawei hopes to work with all parties in the industry chain to formulate reproducible and tradable solution standard parts, ecological standard parts, and industry standard standard parts to promote the closed loop and scale of the industry chain. develop.


l  Fourth, all parties in the industry chain collaborate to build ecological prosperity. The 5G Industrial Internet has a huge industrial chain and extremely complex ecological integration. To this end, Huawei proposes two major ecological construction measures. First of all, Huawei plans to build a test and certification center composed of 7 open laboratories and deploy an automated test platform. Currently, it has completed certification for 33 types of terminals and more than 40 industry applications, and will be fully open to ecological partners in the future. Second, Huawei will cooperate with industry organizations, operators and leading companies to establish an integrated verification center to improve delivery efficiency through solution pre-integration. The two centers are currently under construction and will be officially released within this year.


In addition, Li Guangju also put forward six major suggestions for the future development of "5G + Industrial Internet":



l  The first is to jointly explore business models. The investment in 5G private network construction is large, the charging method has not yet been unified, and the role of network operation and maintenance has not been fully understood, and the industry needs to explore together;

l  The second is to improve the 5G technical standards, and while actively expanding the application of 5G re-industry, gradually improve the 5G technical standards;

l  The third is to reduce the cost of 5G terminals, while strengthening program guidance and project traction;

l  The fourth is to formulate industry application specifications, actively open up industry scenarios, adjust industry standards and formulate supporting 5G application specifications;

l  Fifth, jointly build a 5G open platform, establish 5G capability open platform services with partners, and open testing and verification industry scenarios;

l  The sixth is to explore the path of transformation methods, and continue to explore and summarize the transformation methods and paths of 5G+ Industrial Internet.