the construction of Ethernet all-optical network in Anhui Sino-Australian Vocational College of Science and Technology


 Entreprise's news Under the background of new education infrastructure, the deployment and improvement of smart teaching, smart scientific research and smart public facilities, the innovation of teaching management applications, and the rapid upgrading and transformation of smart campuses have put forward new requirements for network infrastructure. The traditional campus network has insufficient bandwidth and computing power, the network communication is not ubiquitous and stable, and the network expansion and management methods are backward and cumbersome, which have become factors restricting the improvement of teaching quality. Anhui Sino-Australian Vocational College of Science and Technology is affiliated to the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology and is a public higher vocational college. Under the guidance of the school motto of "Three Points of Morality, One Level of Skill", the college adheres to the development concept of "openness, quality, and skill-based", and the school-running idea of ​​"close to market demand, strengthen practical teaching, highlight school-running characteristics, and cultivate practical talents". It has 9 professional groups and 34 majors, including civil engineering, equipment manufacturing, transportation, electronics and information, medicine and health, finance and trade, tourism, culture and art, education and sports. Among them, 7 majors, including Business English, Flight Attendant, Tourism Management, E-commerce, Software Technology, Computer Network Technology, and Advertising Art Design, are provincial specialty majors. Under the background of new education infrastructure, the deployment and improvement of smart teaching, smart scientific research and smart public facilities, the innovation of teaching management applications, and the rapid upgrading and transformation of smart campuses have put forward new requirements for network infrastructure. The traditional campus network has insufficient bandwidth and computing power, the network communication is not ubiquitous and stable, and the network expansion and management methods are backward and cumbersome, which have become factors restricting the improvement of teaching quality. In recent years, the college has started the construction of the Xinqiao campus, and the orderly operation of the two campuses is inseparable from the assistance of information technology. The basic network is the core of information construction and the key to ensuring the smooth operation of various campus businesses. Whether it is to build a complete infrastructure network coverage, meet the needs of continuous business expansion, or achieve seamless access to the monitoring system and promote the widespread application of AI technology, it is required to build a safe and stable network environment. The goal of our college's network construction is to effectively guarantee, moderately advance, and adopt network products with stable performance and convenient management. During the construction of the Xinqiao campus, the college requires the construction of a smart campus and infrastructure to be promoted simultaneously, and to make every effort to ensure financial, institutional and talent guarantees. The Network Center is the leading department of the college's information construction, responsible for the specific implementation of network construction tasks. The department regards the stability, scalability and convenient management of the network as the top priority, and is committed to creating an efficient, stable and intelligent campus network environment to provide a continuous source of power for the sustainable development of the college. Deconstructing school network bottlenecks The College Network Center has sorted out the challenges of the school's traditional network in business expansion and operation and maintenance management, and found the following objective problems to be solved: First, the independent construction of multiple networks leads to high costs . There are multiple independently built networks within the college, such as office network, teaching network, one-card pass, security network, etc. These networks are independent and need to be built and maintained separately, which increases the construction and maintenance costs. At the same time, the utilization rate of network resources is relatively low, which does not meet the requirements of green and low-carbon campus network construction. Secondly, the network has poor scalability and low efficiency in launching services . With the continuous development of digital teaching, the upgrade of teaching services has brought about the need for port expansion and bandwidth upgrade. However, in traditional networks, whenever a new service is launched, complex construction operations are required, such as pulling cables, drilling holes through walls, etc. This is not only inefficient, but also easily affects the normal operation of other services. In addition, the access layer network cables of the existing network only support Gigabit network transmission. When upgrading to 10 Gigabit bandwidth in the future, the entire network line needs to be replaced, which increases the cost of network upgrade. Third, the network management efficiency is low and the problem troubleshooting is difficult . When the existing network of the college fails, it needs to be checked step by step, from the core network equipment to the aggregation layer, access layer and other equipment. The process is cumbersome and time-consuming. This not only affects the rapid recovery of the network, but also increases the workload of the operation and maintenance personnel. Finally, the optical upgrade of dormitory networks faces power supply risks . With the popularization of large-scale high-definition video and online teaching, the optical upgrade of dormitory wireless networks has become imminent. However, how to solve the power supply problem of wireless devices after the deployment of optical fiber is a challenge. Local power supply involves multi-department coordination, electricity fee accounting, electricity safety and other issues, which need to be comprehensively considered and corresponding solutions taken. New Choice for Network Construction of Xinqiao Campus Faced with the challenges brought by traditional networks, the network construction task of Xinqiao Campus is arduous and important. After in-depth investigation of the mainstream technical route of current digital campus optical network construction, the Network Center finally chose the Ethernet all-optical network architecture. This choice is based on comprehensive considerations of protocol maturity and business support friendliness, ensuring the rapid construction of the core network and full coverage of the campus network. The new architecture not only builds a solid basic network system for our college, but also injects a stable and powerful impetus into the college's information development, making the college more stable on the road of digital transformation. 1. Multi-network integration, cost savings and improved management efficiency In the network construction of the new campus, multiple networks such as office network, teaching network, one-card pass, and security network are integrated into one physical network. This "one network, unified management" model not only simplifies the management process, improves management efficiency, and reduces cable costs, but also saves about 30% of power consumption due to the low power consumption characteristics of optical fiber transmission, providing a strong guarantee for the college's basic link needs in the next ten years. 2. New services are launched quickly, and business departments are highly satisfied The deployment of the all-optical network makes it extremely simple and fast to launch new services. All kinds of teaching service terminals only need to be connected to the indoor optical switch via a network cable to achieve zero-configuration and fast access to the campus network. Especially for high-traffic services, since the backbone link adopts an all-optical design and has sufficient capacity, it can stably support high-traffic teaching services. Even if the business volume exceeds the bandwidth requirements of the indoor equipment, it only needs to simply replace the indoor equipment and the upper-end equipment without adjusting the optical fiber link, which greatly improves the satisfaction of the business department. 3. Network failures are handled seamlessly, significantly improving operation and maintenance efficiency With the help of SDN intelligent operation and maintenance tools, visual operation and maintenance of the entire network is realized. Through comprehensive detection of network fiber link resources and real-time monitoring of optical module operation status and fiber link optical attenuation indicators, network failures can be responded to quickly. When replacing a failed device, the configuration of the new device will be automatically issued after it is connected to the uplink optical fiber, without manual intervention, truly realizing zero-configuration replacement. In addition, the access service also supports port blind insertion and intelligent configuration adjustment, which not only provides teachers and students with a "no-feeling" network security experience, but also greatly reduces the repetitive work of operation and maintenance personnel, and significantly improves the operation and maintenance efficiency. 4. Dormitory wireless full-optical access and centralized power supply solve management problems In the construction of dormitory network, we adopted the all-optical wireless coverage solution, and realized the fiber access and centralized power supply of indoor optical panel AP through the integrated deployment of star host and optoelectronic hybrid cable. This solution not only breaks through the distance limitation of traditional network cable power supply mode (up to 1,500 meters), but also avoids the potential safety hazards and management problems caused by taking power from the student dormitory. With the SDN management platform, we can flexibly monitor the working status, fiber link status and power supply status of each star host and the optical panel AP, and can realize flexible switch control and power on and off control, which greatly simplifies the operation and maintenance management of dormitory wireless network. Practical application experience of simplified Ethernet all-optical campus network After nearly a year of operation experience, the simplified Ethernet all-optical campus network solution has obvious advantages in the network construction of our Xinqiao campus: Teaching scenario: Gigabit fiber, worry-free teaching In the teaching building area, a Gigabit fiber-to-the-room solution is deployed to ensure that each classroom has exclusive Gigabit bandwidth. Such a network configuration provides solid support for new teaching services and eliminates potential teaching risks caused by network problems. Our college has specially selected small-port indoor switches designed for teaching scenarios. When a new service terminal is needed, it only needs to be wired nearby in the classroom, which greatly reduces construction costs and time, allowing new services to be quickly launched. Even when the teaching business volume surges and exceeds the bandwidth requirements of the in-room equipment, the Ethernet all-optical network can easily cope with it. It only needs to replace more suitable in-room equipment and upper-end equipment without adjusting the optical fiber link to meet the development needs of teaching. This elastic expansion capability has built a durable and sustainable teaching environment for the college. Dormitory scene: centralized power supply, high-speed access In the dormitory area, the fiber + Wi-Fi 6 wireless access solution is adopted, and a star host is deployed in the computer room of each building to achieve the integration of data transmission and PoE power supply. The introduction of the new optical-electrical hybrid cable not only ensures efficient optical fiber link transmission, but also provides stable PoE power supply for access APs. This optical-electrical hybrid cable has a small cross-sectional area and light weight, which greatly saves bridge space and reduces bridge pressure. When entering the room, we chose a beautiful, lightweight, and noiseless optical panel AP, which is equipped with 4 downstream Gigabit Ethernet ports. When the optical AP is connected to the computer room host through the upstream optical fiber, its optical fiber link can support a maximum of 2.5G upstream and downstream bandwidth, providing students with an extremely fast network experience. Experience summary: smooth and unimpeded operation and efficient operation and maintenance After the construction of the Ethernet all-optical campus network deployed by the Ruijie solution at the Xinqiao campus, the network runs smoothly and network failures are almost imperceptible. It not only improves the network experience of teachers and students, but also reduces the operation and maintenance pressure of network managers. With limited human resources, the all-optical solution effectively improves the operation and maintenance efficiency of the network center, fully demonstrating its efficiency and reliability. In short, the simplified Ethernet all-optical campus network has built an efficient and reliable basic network framework for the campus's educational innovation, providing teachers and students with a more stable and smooth network environment. It will play a more important role in future information applications.