2024 Guide to Commercial Use of Conversational AI


Integrating cognitive, conversational AI into modern business strategy is essential, especially as it transforms customer experience, a view supported by a PwC survey of business and technology leaders. Artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies are reshaping customer engagement, transforming customer experience from a traditional role into an essential part of the customer journey, significantly impacting loyalty and perception. Customer service today is focused on creating a great user experience, not just resolving complaints. Conversational AI collecting and analyzing customer data for personalization plays a big role in this. This results in high-quality, tailored interactions that mark a new era of artificial intelligence in business, combining data-driven insights with customer-centric service. AI+ASR, improve customer service center efficiency Through the fusion of cognitive AI and speech recognition (ASR) technology, call centers can be more efficient and revolutionize the way customer service is provided. This advanced integration marks a significant shift in traditional call center practices, providing a more efficient, accurate and personalized way to interact with customers. Cognitive AI is based on cognitive science principles and goes beyond simple scripted responses. It can understand, remember, reason, and respond uniquely to each customer, simulating human interaction. When combined with ASR, this artificial intelligence can accurately handle spoken language questions, turning them into actionable data. This combination is extremely powerful in handling large volumes of customer queries, delivering solutions in real-time with a consistency that exceeds human capabilities. By automating routine tasks and queries, these technologies enable human agents to focus on the more complex and impactful aspects of customer service. This is why around 70% of consumers prefer chatbots as they respond accurately and quickly and are mainly used for service-related queries. Large companies like Apple and Amazon have found success by adapting their services to meet changing customer needs, often at the expense of high-quality service. Walmart is a prime example of this strategy, using an AI chatbot that effectively handles over 230 million customer interactions per week, handling tasks such as order tracking, product recommendations, and answering queries. This approach is one of the key factors in establishing market leadership. Customized smart interactive experiences Cognitive intelligence systems are particularly good at creating hyper-personalized and intelligent interactions by leveraging their ability to remember and learn from past interactions. This enables them to provide customized suggestions and responses based on accumulated knowledge from previous conversations. A study shows that 91% of users prefer brands whose merchants provide offers and recommendations relevant to their personal needs. Compared with language models such as ChatGPT, these artificial intelligence systems are able to understand human language more deeply and improve the quality of communication. Unlike basic chatbots that provide standard responses, conversational AI interacts with customers in a dynamic and meaningful way. It proactively detects customer needs or problems, enabling businesses to proactively provide relevant solutions. This proactive engagement model enables businesses to address customer needs before issues arise, improving customer support and relationship management. Improving operational efficiency through AI About one-third of consumers believe chatbots are very effective in resolving issues. An IBM study shows that using artificial intelligence chatbots can reduce customer support costs by 30%. Key features of conversational AI that facilitate this efficiency include: Intelligent call management: Improve first call resolution with intelligent call routing, reducing the need for large numbers of agents and call time; Support for organizations: Artificial intelligence provides organizations with instant data and guidance, improving their ability to quickly and accurately resolve customer issues; Adaptive learning: Conversational AI platforms evolve with every interaction, ensuring they can continually improve and meet changing customer needs. new profit opportunities Cognitive, conversational AI goes beyond traditional problem-solving processes to create new revenue streams for businesses. It skillfully identifies upsell and cross-sell opportunities by leveraging advanced cognitive abilities, including complex reasoning and problem-solving skills. Unlike basic chatbots that provide standard answers, conversational AI interacts with customers in a dynamic and meaningful way. Conversational AI proactively detects customer needs or problems, allowing businesses to proactively provide relevant solutions. This proactive engagement model enables businesses to address customer needs before issues arise, improving customer support and relationship management. Transforming business with conversational AI In the modern economy, businesses thrive not just on transactions but on cultivating relationships. The focus is shifting from pure numbers to the depth of customer relationships. As technology and personalization increasingly converge, cognitive, conversational AI becomes increasingly important in crafting unique customer interactions. For businesses looking to stay ahead in 2024, leveraging these technological advancements is a must. Building closer relationships with customers becomes key.