How fiber optic networks can boost small business operations

Fiber optics is a proven asset for businesses, but small business owners may also be unaware of the incredible benefits fiber optics brings to their day-to-day operations. Here's how fiber optics can drive business!

What is fiber optic?

This is a form of internet that transmits data through plastic fibers or thin glass rather than traditional cables. Fiber optic network options are divided into three types:

  • FTTN (Fiber to the Node): This is the slowest option where fiber optic cables reach the area and are connected to the fiber optics through copper wires.
  • FTTH (Fiber to the Home): More recently, fiber optic cables are connected to buildings, but not necessarily homes or offices.
  • FTTB (Fiber to the Building): This is the fastest and most reliable connection, with fiber optics connected directly to the home or office.

How fiber optic networks can help small businesses

If you're running a small business and looking for ways to maximize productivity in the long run, you may want to evaluate your internet connection. Nearly all business operations require fast, reliable internet for everything from business communications to research, and fiber optic is the best choice.

1. Faster speed

Fiber optic speeds are much faster than other internet options, which means faster uploads and downloads. If your business relies on file sharing and other data-intensive tasks, you will immediately notice the benefits of this superior option.

2. Cloud services and data backup

Modern storage solutions are often cloud-based as this minimizes the need for on-site hardware while providing secure and huge storage space for business documents. Fiber optic network connectivity means better access to cloud-based storage and backup services, as well as other collaboration tools. Enterprises can quickly access any stored data, enabling seamless business operations.

3. Scalability

When starting a business, you may find that your business is growing. With fiber optic networks, business development becomes a seamless experience as Internet capabilities can be enhanced as your business expands. On the other hand, if you want to downsize, you can reduce your internet service.

4. Reduce interruptions

Nothing is more disruptive to a business than constant outages in internet service, which impacts communications. When using traditional cable, you may find that your internet drops out when the weather changes (which is common these days) due to electromagnetic interference or cable theft. When there are tight deadlines to meet and easily annoyed customers to deal with, the network must always be up and running.

5. Better signal strength

If you're using traditional broadband internet using DSL or copper Ethernet, the further away you are from the switch, the faster the signal will degrade. With fiber optics, signals don't degrade as quickly, which means employees can work from anywhere.

6. Improve productivity

With limited interruptions and faster internet speeds, you can download faster, collaborate better, and increase overall productivity. When latency is reduced, online interactions can occur through methods such as video conferencing. It's better for business!

7. Improve security

Unlike other forms of communication, fiber optics is extremely secure. If you're a small business owner who handles sensitive customer data or wants to protect your data, you should have a secure line.

8. Cost savings

When speed issues are eliminated, internet reliability is improved, and productivity increases, businesses realize cost savings over time. Cloud-based storage options, as well as the implementation of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) communications, will further save businesses long-term costs.

9. Remote and flexible working

The rise of remote work options is driving demand for enhanced internet capabilities. As a small business owner, you can save a lot on rent and costs associated with running an office if your employees can work remotely. Fiber optic networks offer the ideal solution as you can stay connected online no matter where you are. Strong support for HD video means conference calls or video conferencing can be conducted from anywhere.

10. Facing the future

Finally, fiber optic technology is a way to protect your business operations into the future – which is especially important for small businesses.