What are the pros and cons of 5G?


What are the pros and cons of 5G?

5G is the fifth generation technology that supports cellular communications and offers faster speeds, lower latency and a more unified experience compared to 4G. It is expected to usher in a range of new high-speed services, including those based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, redefining how businesses and consumers use wireless spectrum to communicate and conduct business.

Enterprises are evaluating 5G and its impact on operations. Before reaping the benefits, businesses must consider the pros and cons of 5G.

Carriers continue to target consumers with 5G services, but businesses are expected to gain the most from the cellular standard. Still, faster wireless connections don't come without costs. Many businesses may have to retool their infrastructure to take advantage of 5G's capabilities. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of 5G networks.

What is 5G technology?

5G is the fifth generation technology that supports cellular communications and offers faster speeds, lower latency and a more unified experience compared to 4G. It is expected to usher in a range of new high-speed services, including those based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, redefining how businesses and consumers use wireless spectrum to communicate and conduct business.

What are the advantages of 5G?

1. Speed

With theoretical speeds of up to 20 Gbps, 5G's data rates are orders of magnitude higher than 4G and 4G LTE. The actual speeds enterprise customers will be able to use from their 5G provider will depend on a variety of factors, including the distance from the tower, the technical sophistication of the operator itself and whether the network components are carefully designed to support multi-gigabit performance. That said, 5G enables businesses to use services that older standards can't offer, such as automation and advanced video conferencing capabilities. 5G not only delivers higher speeds, but it also delivers something equally important: low latency.

2. Low latency

Compared with 4G, 5G greatly shortens the time required for network devices to respond to commands. For 4G, latency ranges from about 60 milliseconds to 98 milliseconds. 5G will reduce latency to below 5 milliseconds, but the ultimate goal according to the standards body's Third Generation Partnership Project is below 2 milliseconds. With latency so low, the delays that plague real-time communications are all but eliminated. The result is a new generation of wireless services that should work the same way regardless of location. Improving latency is also a core component of standalone 5G, with operators continuing to test the feature.

3. Capacity

5G supports more devices being connected simultaneously than 4G – up to 10 times more per square kilometer, according to some estimates. As a result, enterprises no longer need to evaluate their cellular and Wi-Fi wireless strategies as an either-or proposition. With 5G, enterprises can switch between cellular and Wi-Fi connections as needed without worrying about compromised performance or limited mobile broadband access, especially in high-speed network congested environments such as some major urban areas. 5G's additional capacity is driving dramatic growth in IoT as enterprises can deploy more connected devices to monitor systems and perform other operations.

4. Advanced technical support

5G promotes the emergence of a new generation of interactive services based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. For example, high-speed video conferencing with augmented reality or virtual reality capabilities can simulate environments and help employees make better decisions about projects. Automation enables businesses to rely on applications and services that are more responsive and predictive than traditional measures.

5. Network reconstruction

5G can inspire leading enterprises to reimagine their networks, adding automation and other capabilities as needed. Branch offices can use 5G as the primary connectivity medium, relying on multiple operators to provide internet services through physical or virtual SIM cards. At the same time, private 5G networks give enterprises the opportunity to run their own restricted-access networks through which specialized services and applications can be delivered. Edge computing should become more common as 5G-compatible components can quickly process and respond to requests, reducing the need for data center backhaul.

What are the disadvantages of 5G?

1. Safety

5G's transmission security algorithms are more comprehensive than those supported by the 4G standard, but enterprises may still encounter other network security issues. While applications transmitted over 5G networks may be encrypted, the standard itself lacks end-to-end encryption, and the lack of encryption early in the connection process could leave enterprises vulnerable to attacks. The number of IoT devices and components connected to 5G networks greatly increases the threats enterprises face as attackers attempt to exploit vulnerabilities. Another potential downside to 5G: 5G devices themselves could raise concerns because the chips and other components that power them could be infected with malware by nation-state actors. Enterprises also need to carefully weigh the use of network slicing in 5G networks, such as creating virtual networks to host specialized applications or services. 5G management software is vulnerable; vulnerabilities in any part of operator or enterprise infrastructure could create serious security issues throughout the network.

2. Cost expenditure/operating expenditure

To reap the full benefits of 5G, enterprises must upgrade and replace network components with processors designed to support the standard's higher speeds and performance metrics. Even with 5G-compatible equipment available, enterprises must still find ways to maximize their 5G investments when large amounts of network infrastructure are combined with legacy equipment. With carrier and device pricing constantly changing, price is a key consideration.

3. Uneven coverage

Operators have accelerated 5G deployment, in part by securing spectrum that allows for different transmission schemes than millimeter wave (mmWave). However, many areas have been unable to achieve true 5G coverage for years. Businesses with offices in rural areas may be particularly vulnerable to 5G coverage gaps and must rely on a combination of traditional connectivity technologies. As a result, businesses that don't have access to 5G, or are forced to wait a long time for operators to offer 5G services in their areas, may suffer from competition.

4. Line of sight/penetration issues

Ordinary objects can easily block millimeter wave high-frequency signals, so ensuring consistent coverage throughout office and factory environments can be a problem. As a result, companies may have to redesign some facilities to ensure adequate service or use mid-band or low-band 5G capabilities to extend coverage. Another option primarily used for private 5G networks is the Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum.

5. Promotion factors

Claims from carriers and vendors, including how quickly users can download movies on mobile devices, may overwhelm businesses as they assess the effectiveness of 5G. Businesses need to take the time to fully understand how they intend to use 5G to get the most from the technology, and how to justify the required ROI. 5G is different from other technologies that are initially driven by businesses and then adopted by consumers. In the case of 5G, the opposite is true. Broad enterprise adoption will be inhibited until more 5G-compatible devices and mobile phones become commonplace, 5G-specific apps and services are developed, and true 5G connectivity is reliable and ubiquitous.