Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,


At the "Fifth Future Network Development Conference" held recently, Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, delivered a speech.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation characterized by the penetration of new generation information technology innovation is accelerating, and the deep integration of information and communication technology and the real economy is leading to new changes in global production and lifestyles. Information and communication technologies such as 5G, industrial Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence continue to subvert traditional manufacturing models, production organization methods, and industrial patterns, and promote the accelerated transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Han Xia pointed out that, especially since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, the great value of information and communication technology and services in helping to resume work and production quickly and coping with the external uncertain environment has been fully demonstrated.

At the same time, economic and social development has put forward new and higher requirements for network scalability, security, mobility, and service quality assurance. It is of great significance to accelerate the promotion of future network technology research and industrial development.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to future network development. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also attaches great importance to and supports the new generation of mobile communication

The innovation and development of information and communication technologies such as information technology and the next-generation Internet have achieved positive results. In terms of dual gigabit, a dual gigabit network infrastructure covering urban areas has been basically completed, realizing that fixed networks and mobile networks generally have gigabit-to-home capabilities. In terms of 5G, as of the end of April, the total number of 5G base stations in my country has exceeded 847,000, accounting for more than 70% of the world. The number of 5G terminal connections exceeds 310 million, accounting for more than 80% of the world. A batch of typical 5G applications have been unearthed in the fields of energy, ports, medical treatment, and industry. In terms of IPV6, the world's largest IPV6 network has been built. The backbone networks, metropolitan area networks and access networks of the three basic telecommunications companies of China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom have been fully upgraded to support the construction of IPV4 and IPV6 dual stations. With regard to the industrial Internet, breakthroughs have been made in the construction of the three major systems of network, platform, and security. High-quality external networks cover more than 300 cities, and the transformation of corporate intranets has been accelerated. Basic telecommunications companies and industrial companies have jointly promoted the 5G+ Industrial Internet, with more than 1,500 construction projects, forming typical application scenarios such as remote equipment control, on-site auxiliary operations, and product quality testing. In addition, the standard quality system has been initially established, with 134 second-level nodes online, covering 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the number of logo registrations exceeded 20 billion, nearly 13,000 service companies, and more than 500 platforms with certain industry and regional influence.
The security situation awareness platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is fully integrated with 31 provincial-level systems, covering 14 important industries such as automobiles, electronics, and aviation. She pointed out that digital R&D, intelligent manufacturing, networked collaboration, personalized customization, service-oriented extension, lean management and other integrated application new models and new business formats are emerging, which strongly support digital transformation and high-quality development.

The future network is an important direction for network development and technological innovation. Strengthening the research and innovation of the future network is of positive significance. Han Xia puts forward three opinions on this.

1. Aiming at the forefront of international technology and promoting key technological innovation. Closely track and accurately grasp the global future network innovation and development trend, forward-looking deployment of a number of strategic and reserve technology research and development projects, aiming at the commanding heights of future technology and industrial development, adhere to problem orientation, and focus on typical applications such as the industrial Internet, the Internet of Vehicles, and the Internet of Things. , To condense scientific issues from practical problems, accelerate the originality of network architecture and key technologies, and lead scientific and technological breakthroughs, break through a number of key core technologies such as deterministic networks, autonomous networks, and network endogenous security, and build new competitive advantages in the future.
2. Give full play to the role of technology platform and create a good environment for innovation. Strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation between national laboratories, national scientific research institutions, high-level research universities, and leading technology companies, especially focusing on key technologies and basic theoretical research, to create an innovation system that is closely coupled with industry, university, research and application in the future network field. Deepen the integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, continuously improve the network technology and experimental verification capabilities of future network experimental facilities, and provide strong support for the cultivation and incubation of new theories, new technologies, and new products.

3. Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and build an open and innovative ecosystem. Coordinate development and security, look ahead and judge the risks and challenges faced by future network technology development, do a good job of policy research and reserve, and plan and promote future network innovation with a global perspective. Actively integrate into the global innovation network, strengthen R&D cooperation and exchanges among scientific researchers from various countries, deeply participate in global scientific and technological governance, contribute Chinese wisdom, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

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