China Mobile has accumulated over 460,000 5G base stations

Recently, China Mobile’s "2020 Sustainability Report" introduced that China Mobile has made every effort to promote the construction of new infrastructure represented by 5G. It has opened more than 460,000 5G base stations, serving as a Provide 5G independent networking commercial services in key areas.

The "Report" pointed out that China Mobile has built an information "high-speed" and operated an information "high-speed rail" to promote sustainable economic development. Fully promote the construction of new infrastructure represented by 5G, and have opened more than 460,000 5G base stations, providing 5G independent networking commercial services for urban areas above prefectures and cities, some counties and key areas across the country.

At the same time, China Mobile is accelerating the integration and innovation of 5G and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, edge computing and other technologies. The establishment of the "Tsinghua University-China Mobile Joint Research Institute" and the establishment of "6G" and "Next Generation Internet" 5 Research centers. Work with partners to launch hundreds of group-level leading demonstration projects in 15 sub-industries to empower the rich scenes of production and life. Create 5G messaging, ultra-high-definition video, video ring back tones, VR/AR and other specialty services to continue to meet the growing needs of users for diversified, high-quality, and personalized digital content.

In recent years, China Mobile has actively promoted the process of 5G infrastructure network construction. In March of this year, Yang Jie, Chairman of China Mobile, introduced at the 2020 company performance briefing that China Mobile plans to spend 183.6 billion yuan in capital expenditures in 2021, of which 5G-related capital expenditures are 110 billion yuan, which is higher than the 102.5 billion yuan in 2020.

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