The development trend of 5G is improving, but the road is difficult and long


The development trend of 5G is improving, but the road is difficult and long

my country's 5G applications have begun to be copied and promoted in some industries. This year, the number of projects that have achieved "commercial landing" and "reproducible solutions" accounted for more than 56%, and nearly 4,000 projects have achieved "reproducible solutions". Compared with last year An increase of 113%.

On November 16, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology released the "White Paper on 5G Application Innovation and Development" at the "2022 China 5G Development Conference" held in Shenzhen. The "White Paper" shows that the breadth of 5G applications in my country will increase significantly in 2022, and the development of 5G applications will be in a critical period of scale replication. "Blooming Cup") ranked the top six. my country's 5G applications have begun to be copied and promoted in some industries. This year, the number of projects that have achieved "commercial landing" and "reproducible solutions" accounted for more than 56%, and nearly 4,000 projects have achieved "reproducible solutions". Compared with last year An increase of 113%.

Analyzing the reasons, it is not difficult to find three points: First, the national policy is favorable, and the country has issued relevant policies to provide support. For example, in 2021, ten departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "5G Application "Sail" Action Plan (2021-2023)" and so on. Policy documents, continue to deepen and promote the integrated application and innovative development of 5G and various fields of economy and society. The second is driven by digital technology. 5G relies on "technology bundles" to accelerate collaborative innovation with digital technologies such as industrial Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and edge computing. The third is the release of transformation needs. With the advent of the digital age, there is an urgent need for digital transformation to drive changes in production methods, lifestyles, and governance methods as a whole. Digital transformation has become the consensus of large, medium, small and micro enterprises.

Of course, we must also see that the large-scale development of 5G applications is still a long-term, systematic and arduous task, which requires extensive attention, encouragement and support from all walks of life, both inside and outside the industry, and requires the coordination of multiple factors such as policies, funds, talents, and data. work together. Judging from the data of the 5th "Blooming Cup" 5G Application Contest in 2022, the applicants for the participating projects are still dominated by basic telecom companies, accounting for 61%. Basic telecom companies are still the main force in promoting the development of 5G applications. Solution providers accounted for 25% of the participating projects. Although it has increased compared with the previous year, there is still a long way to go. Their enthusiasm, initiative and participation need to be further improved. At present, focusing on 5G application cooperation and open sharing, more than 22 provinces and cities across the country have established 30 5G industry alliances/promotion associations/federations, which have played an active role in promoting the construction of a cross-industry, cross-field, and hyper-integrated 5G ecosystem However, affected by geographical restrictions and industry barriers, it is difficult to form a unified national 5G application market with information exchange, experience sharing, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation.

The large-scale development of 5G applications needs to fully integrate all aspects of 5G industry alliance resources in various provinces and municipalities, and eliminate the embarrassing situation of "hot at both ends and cold in the middle" as soon as possible. The initial "construction" investment is huge, and the current "use" needs to be scaled up. We are in a critical period of transition from the consumer Internet to the industrial Internet, and we are also in the critical period of replicating and developing 5G application scale and digesting the initial investment costs. The person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will adhere to the principle of "moderate advance, construction and application mutual promotion", and continue to promote 5G commercial deployment and large-scale application. The scale replication and development of 5G applications is an important measure to promote the wider, deeper, and higher-quality in-depth integration and innovative applications of 5G and its "technology bundles" in all walks of life in the economy and society. Superimposing and multiplying effects, realizing the synergy and win-win of economic benefits and social benefits, is a development process that continuously expands the application scale, improves application value, reduces application costs, and optimizes the application environment.

Therefore, in the current and future period, it is necessary to accelerate the cultivation and expansion of 5G application comprehensive solution providers, effectively provide bridges and carriers for the connection between supply and demand, and accelerate the development of industries with great potential and urgent needs (such as ports, mines, food, medicine, etc.) etc.) Application replication, research and promotion of mature and reproducible business models, promote the transformation of 5G application projects from quantity (scale) to quality (value), from partial informatization to overall digitalization, and comprehensively enhance the breadth and depth of 5G applications; Efforts should be made to break through the pain points, breakpoints and blockages of 5G application scale replication, efforts should be made to eliminate the uncertainty and doubts of enterprises and the pressure of capital costs, efforts should be made to unblock financing channels, and solve problems such as "do not want to use, dare not use, or not know how to use" for enterprises, and comprehensively improve Enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all types of enterprises, large, medium, small and micro.

We have reason to believe that the future of 5G applications is "a sea of ​​stars".