From "point-like blooming" to "overall penetration", the wave of "5G+Industrial Internet" empowerment is coming rapidly


From "point-like blooming" to "overall penetration", the wave of "5G+Industrial Internet" empowerment is coming rapidly

The application of "5G+Industrial Internet" has penetrated from "blossoming in spots" to various industries, the whole process and the whole link as a whole, and its tide of empowering thousands of industries is coming rapidly.

The Industrial Internet is the product of the deep integration of the new generation of information and communication technology and the industrial economy. 5G is a new type of infrastructure and an important strategic resource that supports economic and social development. Today, the two have been closely integrated, becoming one of the most active fields of application innovation, and an inevitable trend of accelerated development of new industrialization.

"5G+Industrial Internet" is accelerating towards the stage of intensive cultivation

As of the end of July, there were more than 3,100 "5G+Industrial Internet" construction projects, and 31 provinces have issued policies related to 5G and industrial Internet. In the development process of "5G+Industrial Internet", the comprehensive construction of 5G network has contributed a lot. As of the end of September, the total number of mobile communication base stations in my country reached 10.72 million, and the total number of 5G base stations reached 2.22 million.

At present, China Mobile has built the world's largest 5G premium network with wide coverage and deep coverage. China Mobile has opened more than 1.25 million 5G base stations, accounting for half of the country's 5G base stations and one-third of the global 5G base stations. Co-constructed and shared more than 480,000 700MHz 5G base stations with China Radio and Television; at the same time, China Telecom and China Unicom also built the world's first 5G independent network co-constructed and shared network with the largest scale and fastest speed in the industry, and opened a total of 967,000 5G base stations , Realized continuous coverage of key townships and above areas, which also laid a more complete network foundation for the deep integration of "5G + Industrial Internet".

At the same time, "5G+Industrial Internet" has gradually come into being, and its applications in steel, mining, home appliances, cement, ports, electric power and other fields have shown a trend of vigorous development, forming collaborative research and development design, remote equipment control, equipment collaborative operation, flexible Typical application scenarios such as manufacturing, on-site auxiliary assembly, machine vision quality inspection, equipment fault diagnosis, intelligent logistics in the factory area, unmanned intelligent patrol inspection, and production site monitoring have effectively promoted the quality improvement, efficiency increase, cost reduction, green, and safe development.

As an emerging industrial hotspot, 5G fully connected factories are called an upgraded version of "5G+Industrial Internet". Not long ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Guidelines for the Construction of 5G Fully Connected Factories", proposing that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, it is mainly for raw materials, equipment, consumer goods, electronics and other manufacturing industries, as well as key industries such as mining, ports, and electric power. 100 enterprises have carried out the construction of 5G fully connected factories, built 1,000 classified and graded factories with distinctive features, and built 100 benchmark factories to promote the in-depth development of 5G integrated applications. This also marks that "5G+Industrial Internet" is accelerating towards the stage of intensive cultivation.

Operators continue to explore the deep integration of 5G and industrial Internet

The industrial Internet has been fully integrated into 45 major categories of the national economy, and the industrial scale has exceeded one trillion yuan. Thanks to the continuous development of the industrial Internet, my country's 5G field has also continued to grow. "5G+Digital Factory" makes factories smarter, "5G+Smart Mine" makes production more efficient and safe, "5G+Industrial Park" helps upgrade industrial intelligence, and deep integration in the field of "5G+Industrial Internet" has spawned excellent application cases one after another. , making industrial manufacturing more intelligent.

In the process of promoting the development of the Industrial Internet, 5G is a very critical enabling technology, and operators, as basic network providers, naturally play an irreplaceable role. We have also seen that the three major operators currently have a layout in the field of industrial Internet, especially in the aspect of "5G + industrial Internet", and continue to explore more possibilities for the integration of 5G and industrial Internet.

With 5G fully connected factories as the core focus, China Unicom vigorously promotes the "5G+Industrial Internet" new technologies, new scenarios, and new models to expand in depth in all fields and links of industrial production, helping industrial production to be smarter, more efficient, and safer. For example, China Unicom assisted Baowu Carbon in building a 5G fully connected factory, and successfully realized ten demonstration application scenarios through the deep integration of "5G+Industrial Internet", effectively improving production and operation efficiency, greatly reducing production and operation costs, and improving safety Production support capabilities, and thus accelerate the transformation from traditional chemical manufacturing to high-tech digital factories.

China Telecom has achieved large-scale promotion in the field of "5G+Industrial Internet", and has achieved remarkable results in industries such as coal mines, steel, chemicals, home appliances, and equipment. For example, China Telecom has built a 5G network for Zhuneng Group, the largest open-pit coal mine in Asia, to enable the unmanned driving of mining trucks; in Jingzhou, Hubei, Foshan, Guangdong, Chongqing and other places, China Telecom has built lighthouse factories for Midea Group, shortening the production line time , improving production efficiency.

In order to help traditional manufacturing companies speed up their digital transformation, China Mobile assisted Jinhua, which is known as the "Hometown of All Craftsmen", to create the province's first cross-regional and cross-industry "double-span" 5G+ industrial Internet platform, and leverage the 5G cloud Network capabilities, focusing on the construction of "5G+smart factories", closely connecting equipment, production lines, products, factories, warehouses, suppliers, etc. through 5G networks, and sharing the synergistic benefits of the industrial chain.

It can be seen that the application of "5G+Industrial Internet" has penetrated from "point-like blossoming" to various industries, the whole process, and the whole link, and its tide of empowering thousands of industries is rapidly coming.