The third anniversary of 5G commercial use: one year and one prosperity


The third anniversary of 5G commercial use: one year and one prosperity

In the past three years, we have seen the rapid development of 5G, and we can clearly see the success of the development.

"As of the end of September, the total number of mobile communication base stations in my country reached 10.72 million. Among them, the total number of 5G base stations reached 2.22 million, a net increase of 795,000 over the end of the previous year, accounting for 20.7% of the total number of mobile base stations." This set of data comes from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology not long ago. In the "Economic Operation of the Communications Industry in the First Three Quarters of 2022" announced. From the first step in the official commercial use of 5G in 2019 to the million base stations built today, the "textbook"-like development of 5G in China in the past three years has not only made great contributions to the development of the country's digital economy, but also attracted worldwide attention. eyes. Looking back on three years, how many "fruits" did 5G development bear?

After three years of commercial use, 5G has already "flyed into" ordinary people's homes

In the past three years, my country's 5G development has been mainly divided into two major directions, namely To B and To C coordinated development. The most intuitive aspect of To C is the development of 5G users of the three major operators. According to the financial reports released by the three major operators not long ago, the total number of 5G package users of the three major operators has exceeded the 1 billion mark. As of September this year, China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom had 251 million, 557 million and 201 million 5G package users respectively. In addition, the 5G utilization rate of the three operators has exceeded 50%, and the ARPU is also close to RMB 50. In June this year, China Radio and Television, the "fourth largest operator", also officially joined the 5G family, providing more choices for the development of 5G users.

The development level of 5G To C can also be shown in the terminal. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, from January to August 2022, the total mobile phone shipments in my country's domestic market totaled 175 million units, of which 5G mobile phone shipments were 138 million units, accounting for 78.9% of the mobile phone shipments in the same period. That is to say, out of ten people who buy smartphones, 8 of them choose to buy 5G smartphones. In addition, as the biggest "dark horse" in the development of 5G To C, 5G news has also made great contributions to the development of 5G.

In addition, the new 5G digital life represented by 5G+4K/8K and 5G+AR/VR has also brought unprecedented beautiful experiences to the majority of users. China Mobile has comprehensively explored the "5G+X" application scenarios, and created various applications such as 5G ultra-clear video, cloud XR, cloud games, and virtual digital sapiens, so that the people can enjoy the new paradigm of digital and intelligent life; China Unicom focuses on live broadcasting , film and television, travel, games, shopping, entertainment, six consumer-level application markets, upgraded and released 5G new communications with the four characteristics of "clear, safe, intelligent, and dazzling".

Under this thriving development, the comprehensive construction of 5G network is indispensable. As of the end of September, the total number of mobile communication base stations in my country had reached 10.72 million, and the total number of 5G base stations had reached 2.22 million. At present, China Mobile has built the world's largest 5G boutique network with wide coverage and deep coverage. Up to now, China Mobile has opened more than 1.25 million 5G base stations, accounting for one-half of the country's 5G base stations and one-third of the world's 5G base stations. Co-constructed and shared over 480,000 700MHz 5G base stations with China Radio and Television; at the same time, China Telecom and China Unicom also built the world's first 5G independent network co-construction and shared network with China Unicom, with a total of 967,000 5G base stations opened. , to achieve continuous coverage of key townships and above.

"Sailing" for three years, 5G applications live up to expectations and move forward

In the past three years, my country's 5G applications have developed vigorously and entered a new stage of large-scale exploration. Under the steady development of the To C field, 5G development has gradually focused on 5G industry applications. At present, 15 industries out of 20 categories of the national economy, and 39 industries out of 97 categories have applied 5G. Especially after the launch of the 5G "Sailing" action plan, 5G industry applications have become an inevitable trend in 5G development. From the smart mines in Inner Mongolia to the "black light" factories in Nanjing, from Youngor's 5G fully-connected factories to the 5G "neural network" of JD Logistics, 5G is injecting quantitative intelligence into traditional industrial industries.

Up to now, China Telecom has built over 3,800 5G customized network projects and over 13,000 5G DICT projects. Cooperate with hundreds of large enterprises in 15 industries such as industry, transportation and logistics, medical care, education, etc. under the "Sail" action plan, focusing on 5G + industrial vision, 5G + production site monitoring, 5G + remote equipment control, 5G + factory intelligent logistics, etc. 20 The large-scale 5G industry application scenarios have created a number of industry benchmarks.

China Mobile has always adhered to benchmarking and joined hands with industry leaders to deeply cultivate 19 sub-sectors and explore innovative 5G applications. So far, more than 15,000 commercial cases have been implemented. In 2022, the year-on-year growth rate of China Mobile's 5G commercial cases will exceed 100%, exceeding the total number of developments in the previous two years. Most sub-sectors will increase their scale in half a year far beyond the full year of 2021. The development of 5G vertical industries has entered a stage of rapid scale replication.

China Unicom takes 5G fully-connected factories as its core focus, and vigorously promotes the in-depth expansion of "5G + Industrial Internet" new technologies, new scenarios and new models to various fields and links of industrial production, helping industrial production to be smarter, more efficient and safer. There are more than 10,000 industry projects with large-scale 5G applications, and the number of 5G private network service customers has reached 2,785.

It can be said that my country's 5G application has achieved a breakthrough from "0" to "1". Not only that, relevant data show that nearly half of the projects in the 4th "Blooming Cup" 5G Application Competition in 2021 have been implemented, and more than 15% of the projects have achieved "reproducible solutions", and my country's 5G applications have entered "1" to "N". "stage of development. In the future, only if all parties can unite their efforts and exert synergy, can they jointly help 5G be successfully implemented in all walks of life.

The cloud journey has begun, and thousands of miles can be expected. In the past three years, we have seen the rapid development of 5G, and we can clearly see the success of the development. Looking forward to the future, the development of 5G still requires the entire industry to draw a blueprint, seize the opportunities of 5G development, and continuously promote 5G integration applications to usher in greater prosperity.